  • Hari 273


    13 Ogos 2021, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 73 °F

    We decided to chance a FC/FS spot on a Friday afternoon. Never a good idea. The first two cg’s in Ashland were full. So was the one we checked in Washburn, WI BUT they had a cheap overflow camping area with awesome views. Old friends on their way to Isle Royal NP stopped in for a random visit. So much fun to see old friends in this small town on the coast of Lake Superior. In the morning, we enjoyed the lake, took a bike ride to the other FCFS campground to check it out, and did some outdoor strength training, & filled up on fancy outdoor water (artesian well) in our CG. I realized that checking out CGs is my thing. I think it’s b/c I do so much research and reading of reviews. I want to scope out other CGs to make sure I made the right choice. 😂 In this case, all the FCFS CGs in Ashland or Washburn are terrific choices. Oh, I almost forgot the BEST PART which is we saw Santa! Maddie sweetly asked him if he was Santa on vacation. He chuckled and said why yes I am. Have you been good this year? ❤️💚❤️💚Baca lagi