  • Dag 94

    Cloudcroft, NM

    6 september 2021, Verenigde Staten ⋅ 🌧 61 °F

    Best laid plans don't always pan out, but flexibility is my moto. On my relatively short drive to Cloudcroft, the su` was shinning and the views were lovely. I made on shot stop at Pistachio Land where I tasted an assortment of flavored pistachios and bought a few small bags.

    I found a campground in the Sacramento Ranger District in Cloudcroft for $12.50 a night. I decided to just pay for one night in case I found another better site tomorrow. There were lots of sites available so I knew I could pick a different one tomorrow if I felt like it. I'm glad I did.....

    As I was setting up....putting my window screens up since it looked a little buggy, I felt a few drops of rain. By the time I finished a little lunch it had truly started raining. Jay and I settled into Vanette and then it really started coming down and then it started hailing. And thundering. It didn't last very long but it is still drizzling. According to the weather report, tomorrow should be clear but I'm not sure I'll stay. Maybe tonight I will get a few things done that I've been putting off.
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