  • Hari 1,347

    USA Tour - Portland, Maine

    19 November 2018, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☁️ 1 °C

    Today I braved the cold weather and did the back cove trail which is around 3.5 miles long around ‘Back Cove’

    Took me a while to do as the floor is covered in snow and I’m wearing Nike 270’s which isn’t ideal! However, it was a great walk which takes you into the north and west of the city for you to walk around and discover!

    Walking my way back towards my hostel I stopped off and got the best steak sandwich I’ve ever had. Currently in Starbucks, stealing their WiFi to update this blog, drink some ice tea and watch the world go by.

    It’s my last day here in Portland as I’m off back to Boston tomorrow - my original plan of carrying up further north to bar harbour was brought to an abrupt halt as each local I spoke to highly suggested I didn’t as I don’t have the correct clothing and it won’t be that pretty up there at the moment. So I am making my way back to Boston and I’ll basically see where ever is cheapest to go next and go there. I may treat myself to a beer or two tonight though...
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