  • Tag 36

    Williamsburg KOA

    27. September 2015 in den USA ⋅ ⛅ 73 °F

    We enjoyed a 3 hour drive to Williamsburg. The sun even peeked out a few times (which moved Gordon to harumph and complain a bit, but Heather enjoyed it).
    We have noticed that the KOAs tend to decorate for Halloween, but the Williamsburg KOA gets the howlin’ first prize! They had decorations EVERYWHERE!!
    We were helped by Robb, who made sure we got a great site among the trees with its own swing from which we are currently enjoying the warm breeze and evening air (and a glass of cool chardonnay, of course). When Robb learned we were interested in PIE, he volunteered that there was an excellent pie shop in Williamsburg that had done the pies for his wedding. We scrambled to get the exact name and address against pie deficit. In further conversation, we learned Robb and his wife were expecting their first child in April. We congratulated him, and agreed that it was a wonderful thing to bring new life into the world that will create the future.
    All those halloween decorations did a number on Gordon, who absolutely, positively could NOT wait ANOTHER MINUTE to put out our own. So Happy Halloween, everyone, a bit early.

    PS Please note, in a small geezer-mobile, you many things must do double duty. Hence, the cat decoration hangs on our fly swatter.