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  • Day 29

    Monterrubio to Castuera

    March 2 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 11 °C

    D: Today was not one of our better days. It was short (only 18 km), but almost all on tarmac, with a very strong cold wind from the side. Wide open terrain and nice views, but few places to shelter from the wind. Our feet were very sore by the last few km, and our destination village did not appear until we were almost upon it.

    We checked in with the police for the keys to the Albergue, where we are the only perigrinos in residence. Glad to have the space heaters. We went to a bar in the centre for a beer and fries, and a very kind couple at the bar asked us to join them for dinner. We were tired and dirty and had just eaten a giant plate of fries, so regretfully declined. Mainly, we were concerned about our limited ability to communicate with one another, particularly given how tired we were. Still, sad about the missed opportunity to connect with local people, who have been consistently kind throughout our travels.

    G: vandaag een saaie dag. Het was 15 km over een rechte asfaltweg met niet veel afleiding. Olijfboomgaarden, grasland, eikenbomen. Vlakbij het eindpunt 3 km onverharde weg. Daarom ook niet veel foto’s.
    Enige interessante was de schaapskudde die we tegenkwamen.
    En we hadden gelukkig niet veel last van de grote inspanning van gisteren.
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