
Arrived in Malaga during Carnival. Busy and festive.
Arrived in Malaga during Carnival. Busy and festive.
Gerard: First day of our walk. Originally we would walk to Rioja, but there the albergue was closed. we were advised to go to the next albergue in Santa Fe. It was only 24km.... It was hard on ourRead more
Debi: Today was a lot of climbing (3 peaks) with some steep downhills. Only about 15 km, but that took 5 hours, with breaks. It is a dry rugged landscape unlike anything I have seen. We also walkedRead more
Gerard: This day was 800 meters up and down, with very narrow tracks at some parts. We were intimidated but everything worked out fine. During the night we already noticed that the wind was pickingRead more
Debi: We began with a 7km walk to the next village, where we could have coffee and omelette. The wind was extreme headwinds and driving rain. We were soaked through. My boots were ponds. After foodRead more
Debi: what a beautiful day, despite the cold and a bit of rain. Snowy mountains in the distance, and an undulating path through almond orchards, in bloom. Walked through La Calahorra, with castle onRead more
D: what a beautiful 24 km walk today!
The scenery is outstanding. The last half reminded me of the US south west landscape, so it is understandable that Hollywood used the area to film westerns. SomeRead more
D: The first half of the walk was stunning, winding through the mountains. The second half was an unpleasant dirt path and a winding mountain highway. Great views, but we did quite a lot of up andRead more
Debi: I was sick today from dehydration and so took a cab while G walked and met him at the Albergue in the next village. Only a very short stage, but it involved steep climbs, and I was not up to it.Read more
Laurie Reynolds Thanks for letting the forum follow along! Buen camino.
mary louise adams Laurie - Debi is an old friend of mine from grad school! Debi - I met Laurie on day 2 of my first camino, just leaving Roncesvalles in 2000!!!! So fun to see you in conversation. :) And so great to see these photos Debi!!!!
Debi Brock Laurie, see my reply to Sue. Oops.😬
Laurie Reynolds Wonderful to make the connection!