  • Giorno 8

    What happens in Las Vegas. . .

    15 giugno 2015, Stati Uniti ⋅ ☀️ 35 °C

    Groan. It was a short night. However, we woke up eager to get going. Betsy had never been to Vegas, and the other 3 sisters were eager to show her the sights.

    Once again we each offered directions to the driver. And once again the directions were all different. It is a miracle we are still friends.

    Still we made it to the strip and drove up and down. Hmmm. It seemed awfully short. We offered more advice to the driver and at last found The Strip. Once again we drove up and down the street, this time Betsy was all agog. Las Vegas is certainly over the top.

    Joyce wanted to eat lunch at a restaurant owned by Gordon Ramsey. After more advice to the driver we found a parking spot at the Planet Hollywood Casino. We went inside and once more Betsy's neck was craned and her jaw was hanging. It looked like we were outside on a pleasant afternoon. But we were inside and it was hotter than blazes outside.

    There were shops galore. We did a lot of pickin' and puttin'. But we did buy some stuff, too. Mostly we had a great time. We found Gordon Ramsey's restaurant, BurGR and stood in line to get in. Boy, was it worth the wait, which was very short.

    We had sweet potato fries for our appetizer. They were dusted with powdered sugar and served with honey mayo. They were the best sweet potato fries I have ever eaten.

    Each of us ordered a different sandwich. Each of us had a delicious meal. I highly recommend the restaurant.

    After a little more shopping we headed back to the car, loaded up all our purchases, and began the last leg of our trip. California here we come!
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