  • 日1


    2017年8月16日, ドイツ ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    It was that time of the summer I have been waiting for so long. It was time to finally step in the country I wanted to visit in a long time. Germany. Little I had known I would want to visit this country if things hadn't changed so much over the past 2 years of my life. But as they say everything happens for a reason and many of these reasons have finally brought me here. It begins in Munich.

    I took an overnight flight from Canada so I didn't sleep the night as I am not able to steep on planes for some reason so I was exhausted when I reached my friends place and he asked me to take a nap. My brain just wouldn't let me sleep because it knew that I was in Germany no matter how dead the body was the mind could not rest, which resulted in me going to the nearest coffee shop and ordering a coffee in German of course! My first german interaction with anyone in Munich.

    I was just in a mixed state of shock and excitement, neither of which i could handle physically but the coffee was trying its best. I eventually had lunch and had to meet up with a friend for dinner who I met in Canada in the fall semester of 2015. It was great to see him again and I had my first Döner with him in the Hauptbahnhof area, it was cool mainly because he was a Turk-German and they were the first ones to originate Döner in Germany haha. I was actually shocked to see much of the population near the Hauptbahnhof area being of non german origin. Really shocking, it was like I wasn't even a minority in that area. Maybe its normal for a big city like Munich but it was not how I pictured Munich.