
stycznia 2020 - września 2024
Otwarta przygoda według Lizzy and Ashleigh Czytaj więcej
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    Day exploring Shanghai

    11 stycznia 2020, Chiny ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

    Arrived in Shanghai after a 11 hour flight. Didn't get any sleep on the plane but we are hoping to just get through the day and enjoy ourselves and make the most of it. Unfortunately we had to que for an hour to get our visas but we made it through! :)

    We got the metro to East Nanjing Road about an hour away from the airport. Getting the ticket was a bit difficult due to the language barrier, but we worked it out in the end. We also made a friend from Serbia and we asked him to tag along with us for the day as he was on his own and also getting a connection flight this evening. Its been raining all day but we didn't let it spoil our fun. We came out of the metro and walked to The Bund, the famous skyscrapers. Traffic was crazy in Shanghai. We crossed the roads on a zebra crossing and waited for the green man to come up, however people on silent mopeds ignore this rule and we had to dodge them on the crossing. Nearly got run over several times! We headed off to the bund which is full of impressive skyscrapers and had a long walk by the river. On the way back a police officer asked for a photo with us. They obviously don't see many British tourists!

    We then made our way to find the Tianzifang Markets. We ended up at the wrong stop on the metro . We had to ask a few people before we found the markets. Not many people speak English. We were wondering around for ages. We gave up initially went for some food and then we came across it luckily and it was definitely worth it!
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