  • Dag 133

    Cactus Campfire

    13. december 2015, Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

    The next morning we left town early and rode a flat and boring 75 km to Viscaino, though we had to admit all other conditions were in our favour with a light tailwind, cool weather, and limited traffic. We met up with Shanna and her cycling partner Fraser in Viscaino, so we sat down for some tacos with them, and just as we finished Liz and Tyndall arrived, so we all loaded up on water and rode out of town to go camp in the desert together. The tailwind was so good we put in another 25 km before deciding to pull off the road and find a place to camp. Fraser is a veteran cycle tourist, who cycled from his home in Bella Coola to Ushuaia over 20 years ago, and walked through the muck to cross the Darian Gap, among other crazy things, and both him and Shianna were quite accomplished ultra-marathoners, so we had a great time sharing stories of past tours and ultra running around a cactus campfire (built by Fraser with his machete - never leave home without it!).Læs mere