Bumper & Tin Tin Tripping

juli - september 2020
A trip up the east coast of Australia from Melbourne to Coffs Harbour.
Then to Daryl’s in Sandy Beach.
Then Woolgoolga Lakeside Caravan Park....
Possibly further north.
Les mer
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  • Dag 11

    It appears Lacey can do anything!

    21. juli 2020, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    That’s it for the day really.
    Daryl and Martine shovelled wheelbarrow loads of river stones out of the Ute and wheeled them round the back to the shower area.
    Emily and I did a few loads as well, not that many though.
    Groomed Lacey and gave her a bath.
    Poor little thing.
    That hose water was cold.
    Daryl and Martine have a European Laundry so no trough.
    Washing of the dog has to be by hose outside.
    Though I did soap her up with warm water.
    The hose rinsing was the cold bit.
    She recovered well.

    Sat round the open fire in the back yard again.
    Emily is off to get the roadworthy for Burner tomorrow morning.
    I will follow her in Tin Tin.
    Bus expected to be ready for pick up this weekend.

    Re the job in Lismore, Emily and I randomly stand up and shout “Yah” .... just to make us feel good.
    Yah .... that a big bit fell off Bumper
    Yah .... we could have cancelled our booking at the Woopi Park.
    Yah .... we could have been on the way to Lismore by now.
    Yah .... that we got to stay with Daryl and Martine.
    So many things Yah !!!!!

    Nigh nigh xxxxx
    Les mer

  • Dag 12

    Burner officially registered

    22. juli 2020, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    Emily went off to the NMRA armed with all necessary paperwork.
    She was gone about 3 hours.
    Had to queue to get the one slip to apply for a NSW bike licence.
    ( I think the story is that you cannot register a vehicle here unless you have the matching licence.)
    Another queue to present the above form and be given the licence.
    Then back to the first queue to show the NSW licence and register Burner.
    (I may have missed a queue or 2, but that was the general story.)

    One very excited registered Postie bike owner.

    Quiet evening.....
    End of Season 3 Line of Duty.
    We all cheered .... and went to bed.

    Up at 7am. Leaving at 8am.
    Bumper, here we come!

    Les mer

  • Dag 12


    22. juli 2020, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Knock at the door.
    I glanced towards the door.
    ( It’s got glass panels.)

    “Daryl, the police are at the door.”

    Daryl goes to the front door and opens it wide.
    “You’re looking for me.”
    “Are we, Sir?”
    Giving him a very stern look....
    Thinking ... “This is going to be the easiest nick of all time.”

    (I’m making that up. Emily and I were now hiding. Couldn’t see them.)

    “Yes. Daryl Street. Covid. Self Isolation.”

    “No, Sir. Another matter.”

    And lowered their voices.

    ( Should we run .... ?)

    Daryl comes back inside ...
    And beckons Martine.
    She goes out with them on the front veranda ...

    ( Come on .... )

    Much muttering.

    Is it The Postie?

    (They don’t know it’s called Burner and we are not giving that up easily.)

    Emily looks smug.
    She has just driven it into Woopi.
    Followed by me in Daryl’s car.
    Got the Road Worthy.
    All legal, we are.

    More muttering.

    Daryl and Martine wave the police goodbye and come back inside.
    And proceed to talk about breakfast!


    What was that about?

    “Oh ... disturbance down the street on Sunday night. Wondered if we had heard anything.”

    Talk about anti climax.

    But definitely ‘Blog Worthy’.... this does not happen every day.

    Just to advise, we are Covid legal.
    They weren’t really after us.
    Les mer

  • Dag 13

    We did it.

    23. juli 2020, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    We did it.
    We drove back down to Taree.
    Paid the mechanic.
    And drove Bumper back to 32 Turpentine Ave, Sandy Beach NSW!!!!!!!

    We are so proud of ourselves.

    I don’t think normal people get as stressed as we do about old buses, the mechanics that work them and the 5 hour round trip to bring Bumper home.

    But we do.
    Though neither of us said a word to the other.
    We were just doing it.
    Come hell or high water ...

    And we did it.
    And I cannot stress enough how proud of ourselves we are!

    Bumper is now beautifully parked amongst the trees in Daryl’s front yard.
    And he looks magnificent!

    We cleared him out.
    (Packing up to travel always involves things in funny places)

    Daryl and Martine came in to admire.
    Lots of “ohs and ahhs “

    I cleaned out Tin Tin.
    Emily and Winston had been sleeping in there for 10 days.
    Packed things back where they should be.

    Daryl and Martine went for a picnic dinner on the beach.
    Emily and I ordered pizza and sat at her outdoor table to eat it.

    Wonderful, wonderful day.
    We did it.

    Very tired now.
    In bed 7.30pm.
    Les mer

  • Dag 14

    Quiet day today

    24. juli 2020, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    Bit overcast and showers today.
    A quiet day.
    Recovering after the trip, I think.

    Did some washing.
    Emily and Lacey and I headed to Sandy Beach for a walk.
    I drove Tin Tin.
    First time up here as we have been making use of the hire car previously.
    And then to the Sunken Chip for a snack.
    Loaded Chips.
    Met and chatted to a lady whose mobility scooter is made to look like a Harley Davidson.
    Looked spectacular.
    She used to ride Harleys and misses riding terribly.
    I have seen her on her 4 wheel scooter travelling along the sand on the beach.

    Daryl was telling us that people gather on the beach in Woopi for ‘Fluro Friday’.
    All types.
    All ages.
    Just a way to meet people.
    They meet a dawn.
    Probably a cult.
    But I’m in.
    Off to St Vinnies to get something fluro!
    If all else fails, Lacey has a fluro jacket.
    ( I can’t find her in the dark otherwise!)

    Emily worked on her one wheel, changing the ‘smooth’ tyre to one with a large tread.
    Went into Woopi in the end to ask a mechanic to get the tyre off the hub.
    She is thrilled with the new look.
    Also having fun organising Bumper today.
    ( Apart from the fact she managed to break the snib off the small barrel bolt on her security door and had to ring me to break her free. She was stuck .... last resort, climb out a window. So a bit of a change to be actioned there.)

    Martine and Daryl headed out to wish her cousin Francis a wonderful time on their trip to Darwin this evening.
    A quiet night in for us.
    ( Real party animals us! And you can still go out up here.)

    Les mer

  • Dag 15

    Hey, it REALLY rains up here.

    25. juli 2020, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    That rain is coming down in sheets.
    Such a wet day.

    Not happy Jan.

    But will probably get over it.

    Daryl cooked breakfast.
    Look at that meal.
    We sat out on the back veranda as we ate and just watched the rain coming down.

    Then Emily I I checked out a wonderful junk/antique shed just up the road.
    I think I could have bought several things home if I wasn’t going to be camping very soon.
    Anyway, fun to look.
    Into Woopi.
    Chasing a hobby for when it is wet and Emily is working and I am in my van.
    Bought some paints and brushes.
    This will be interesting.
    Not an artistic bone in this body.
    (There were canvas with pictures outlined and all you had to do was paint between the lines. Emily wouldn’t let me get those.)
    And jigsaws looked like a messy proposition.

    Into a wonderful cafe for lunch.
    We were very wet so sat on a comfy couch, pulled a rug over our knees and really settled in.
    Bit of a walk round town then back home for a read...
    And I watched “How to paint videos.”
    ( Honestly....)
    Lying on the bed in Bumper listening to the rain on the roof, and promptly fell asleep.

    Wonderful dinner cooked by Daryl.
    Then this amazing chocolate cake baked by Martine.
    It was delicious!

    ( I’m turning into a food blogger.)

    It’s OK though .... will be cooking for myself again soon ... well sometimes anyway.
    This is amazing.

    Still raining and heavier rain expected tomorrow.... though 21 degrees.

    Les mer

  • Dag 16

    No .... REALLY RAINS!

    26. juli 2020, Australia ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

    Sunday morning and the rain is absolutely pouring down.

    Melbourne gets 600ml a year, Daryl tells me.
    Coffs gets 2 metres.

    So Martine says “ I am going to see if the Woolgoolga Creek has broken through the sand into the sea.”
    So we said, “We’re coming.”

    And it poured down.
    Felt like we are under a waterfall.
    And there it was ...
    A massive amount of water flowing from the Woolgoolga Lake ( Creek ) down into the sea.
    That’s the Lake next to our caravan park that is usually shallow at low tide.
    So we really wanted to see it broken through again into the sea.

    We all wore coats etc...
    Saturated in seconds...
    I had to take my glasses off.
    Could not see a thing.
    ( Needed windscreen wipers!)

    Everyone paddled and crossed the raging stream.
    Not me though.
    I was keeping those small dogs out of the raging torrent.
    They would have been swept out to sea.

    So much fun.
    Les mer

  • Dag 16

    Meanwhile , back at the homestead ...

    26. juli 2020, Australia ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

    Bit flooded here.

    So a bit of scrambling about in the back yard....

    And Martine, being Martine, finished her ‘Stonery’.

    And then cooked TWO tea cakes to feed the workers.

  • Dag 16

    Last night at Daryl and Martine’s.

    26. juli 2020, Australia ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

    Had a call from Woopi Caravan Park.
    Checking if we still required our booking.
    The lady was ringing everyone who had booked from Victoria.
    I explained that we were already up here and staying at my brother’s until we could come to the caravan park on 5th August .... Wednesday week.

    She said that as so many had to cancel from Victoria, they had sites available now.
    So I shot off in Tin Tin to check out the sites.
    Woopi is about 8 minutes from Daryl’s house, if that.
    We are still having the 2 sites we originally chose, sites 66 and 67, next to each other.
    We can move onto site 67 next Sunday .... (and then site 66 on the following Wednesday.)
    So, until then we will share one site #70.
    So a little bit of moving, but no problem.

    We are onto the 3rd stage of our adventure.
    Stage 1 .... the trip ( and running from the law!!!!!!)
    Stage 2 .... the absolutely wonderful time we have had staying with Daryl and Martine in their beautiful house.
    Stage 3 .... The Woolgoolga Lakeside Caravan Park.

    Bit excited.

    Oh and the rain stopped.
    Such a fun day.
    And very relaxing.

    Emily cooked shanks for dinner.

    Half packed all my stuff back into Tin Tin.
    I am amazed how much I actually moved in here.
    I will miss this magnificent queen size bed, I know.
    And not banging my head on a ceiling when I sit up.
    Bit of readjusting and I’ll be right on it.

    Camping, here we come!

    Nigh nigh xxxxxx
    Les mer