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  • Day 47

    Last Airbnb

    May 6, 2023 in Sweden

    Today I drove to my last Airbnb. I left around 10:30 and left the last bit of snow behind me by 12. For the next 5 hours I listened to the Mistborn audiobook before arriving. I did stop at a supermarket near Galve, no local reindeer, moose or goat cheese like the last store. It was about 6:30 when I arrived. The villa is surrounded by tall pines and birch trees filled with birds singing songs. My heart swells with joy, finally feeling the tide of spring. My hosts had their friend Thomas stop over with a new SIM card for the modem as the current one is running low. I walked around barefoot for awhile then explored the area before dinner. The house was cold so I turned on all the heaters I could find, but they aren't very powerful. Night came and when I was ready for bed I started turning off all the lights. A creepy feeling fell over me being in the dark, alone in a large house. I tried to keep the scary parts of my mind at bay as I got ready. I finished up downstairs and just as I started to head upstairs, I saw all the lights turn off. Of course s spooky ghost was the first thing to come to mind, but I figured I blew a circuit turning all the heating up. I spent a few minutes looking for the circuit box, but decided to leave it till morning. I hesitantly meditated for a bit then went to sleep with my ear buds in to quell my feelings of unease.Read more