  • Hari 14

    Day 2 Morning

    20 Mei 2015, Israel ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    Tozer writes, "I am on record, and will be as long as I live, that I would rather lose a leg and hobble along through the rest of my life than lose my sensitivity to God and to His voice and to spiritual things."

    I'm wandering along through my "Mornings with Tozer" devotional, skipping days, reading four days in a row, getting distracted easily by sounds. I feel like I'm wandering through the tightly enclosed hallways of the Jewish Quarter. My time with God has always been far from linear.

    Yesterday's chaotic walk through the crowded old city had everything to do with Jesus, but even strolling along the Via Dolorosa, the disconnect is profound. I tried to be so intentional about sitting there, tuning everything else out, straining to imagine His journey to the cross. And when I could put myself there, it lasted for less than thirty seconds. Maybe less than 15.

    Waking up to city sounds again this morning reminds me of the difficulty of hearing from God in the fray. He's present, I just have to watch for Him like a hawk for an unsuspecting field mouse.
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