  • Hari 11

    Nusa Lembogan Day 1

    3 Januari 2020, Indonesia ⋅ 🌧 30 °C

    Snorkelling today. Despite Frans aversion to riding on a moped the guy turned up at our hotel at 7.30 to pick us up on one..! Luckily we only had to go 2 minutes and there was no traffic about.

    The snorkelling trip was to visit 3 spots so we set off about 8. It had actually started drizzling at this point which was slightly annoying but by the time we got to the first spot it has stopped. The water on the beach was not that warm but where we got to it was lovely. Snorkels and fins on and we were in. It was a strong current so we drifting following our guide and the boat picked us up at the other end. Lovely coral and so many fish- bright and colourful.

    Back on the boat and to the second spot just off the coast of Nusa Penida. The sea was a bit rougher here but it was a nice spot. The third spot was diamond bay which to be honest was a little bit of a let down- coral was quite dead, not too many fish and lots and lots of tourist boats. Fran managed to take a chunk out of her arm whilst getting back on the boat which wasn’t ideal- luckily it’s not too bad!

    we then drove by Manta bay- it’s not Manta Ray season so we weren’t expecting to see any but we did see huge colony’s on jellyfish- literally 1000s. Yikes. Obviously we didn’t get in the water so headed back to shore.

    Had lunch at the hotel and then got a pick up to Sandy bay beach club- is supposed to be a lovely sunset spot but we wouldn’t know as it was too cloudy! Nice chill and food and drinks though. We got back about 8 and were inspired to watch Finding Nemo which is on Netflix. So watched that and then bed.
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