• Day 42

    Azofra to Grañon to Tosantos

    September 7, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 66 °F

    There has been some very cloudy weather. Mornings are getting cooler and the sun does not warm us up until 11 am.

    I have been walking through villages preparing for their "fete" or fiesta. Their yearly celebration of their villages patron saint. Last night I finally hit one. I am not sure if it was a good thing or not! I loved the traditional celebration...though I was left confused. We did the rosary in spanish, the carried her up a hill behind the village to a cave that had a lovely chaple in it. We all sang Adiós Maria. Then locked her in. I wondered how long she will be in there. The whole town then partied loudly until 4:30 AM It was a cultural experience.Read more