5 days before takeoff

When did I become a Pilgrim? Was it 20 yrs ago when my parents returned from walking 1000 miles through Portugal and Spain? Was it 7 yrs ago when I told my Dad I was going to do the Camino "someday"?Read more
When did I become a Pilgrim? Was it 20 yrs ago when my parents returned from walking 1000 miles through Portugal and Spain? Was it 7 yrs ago when I told my Dad I was going to do the Camino "someday"?Read more
I did a fast morning walk with a full pack. I have packed, unpacked, repacked and looked at everything again. What is really Needed for 45 days of walking?
Leaving to go to Calgary, Canada
Last night and this morning I was trying to get my pack lighter and lighter. Final weight: 20lbs
It has been a very long time since I have flown over the ocean. I like my seat...last seat in the corner. I land at 12:30 PM in Paris. One of the flight attendants has done the Camino and told meRead more
I landed in Paris, France. I walked around the city in a jetlagged daze down Rue de Marriage passed blocks of stores selling gowns and tuxes. You can buy one in bright yellow or looking like Travolta!Read more
It is interesting to learn the history of this beautiful Basilica that only became a national historic monument in 2022. It is built on the location where the Jesuit priests originated. There has beenRead more
A cloudy but lovely day to walk! I saw Paris today: The Sienne, Arc de Triomphe and the Eiffel Tower!
A rainy day in Paris is a perfect day to people-watch. I also went to a cemetery that I could have spent ALL day in. It has Victor Hugo, the founder of Le Bon Marche and many more famous and infamousRead more
Leaving Paris makes me realize that I must return. I spent a lot of time inside Sacre Coeur praying and there are so many more neighbors I'd like to explore.
Took the fast train from Paris to Lourdes. Staying at a Pilgrims Hostel called La Ruche. I can hear singing from the cathedral a block away. They are singing Ave Maria as I fall asleep.
Traveler We will keep our eyes on you!
Hello there👋 Hope you will meet all the people who are good to you💙
Traveler Solvitur ambulando!