  • Päivä 5

    Prague we have arrived

    13. elokuuta 2017, Tšekin tasavalta ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    The struggle was real getting up this morning after our late night farewell to Vienna. We were all allergic to hearing the alarm go off at half6 but it had to be done because we had a 4hr train to Prague and wanted to make the most of the day.

    In Vienna we had been staying in an apartment which was great. We had loads of space, our own freedom to do what we want and eat when we want. The only downside was that we had to return the key back to the hotel associated with the apartment which was a 15min tram journey. Normally this wouldn't be an issue but on a Sunday trams are on a different schedule and run very intermittently. We allowed time for this but 30mins later still no tram. It was time for plan b, ring a taxi! There was no joy there either as the company wouldn't come out as far as we were. Very strange happenings with taxis in Vienna. Eventually we managed to flag one down. He thought we were mad to get a taxi to the hotel as it was in walking distance but once we explained the luggage and that we then needed to.go to the train station he was more understanding. We got there eventually and got our train without any hassle thankfully.

    Four hours of snoozing abd relaxing later we arrived in Prague. Then more hassle with taxis began. The minimum journey for a taxi is 15mins and our hotel was only 7mins away so joy for us there. Back into the station we went to sort out tram/metro tickets. We managed to get a three day pass for about €14, unbelievable value. Of course we took the long route to the hotel as we walked the opposite way to what Google maps told us to, but what's new there. We really need to invest in a compass.

    At the hotel we had some downtime before heading out to explore Prague. The hotel is basic but clean. We feel a little confined after all our space in Vienna but what do we expect when we are only paying €100 each in total for three nights in the city.

    We are right on the tram line so access to the town centre is very easy. We strolled through Wencless square for food and spent a couple of hours there eating and soaking up our surroundings.

    We ended up walking all the way to the Old town square with the astrological clock and around the meandering streets to St Charles Bridge. It was a wonderful time to be there looking out over the river. The late evening sun provided us with alternating shadows and raidiating light which means we capture amazing photos. I have a couple of my good camera that I am quite proud of. I can't wait to upload them on the laptop, hopefully they will still look as good!ha

    We got an amazing Prague dessert that was called Trdelink or a chimney. It is a twisted sweet pastry that is cooked over coals and then filled with a variety of fillings. Ais and myself both got homemade ice cream in ours. It was delicious!!

    15,000 steps later we decided that it was time to head towards the hotel. But of course we took the long rambling route home because we couldn't find a tram stop. It is good for our health I suppose!haha

    Our first night in Prague was not a wild one as none of us couldnt contribute any more to the day. I, in typical fashion, fell asleep as the girls were pottering around the room. Nothing was going to disturb me from my sleep !!

    One key thing from the day was that nothing around Prague looked familiar to me from my last visit. That heat stroke really hit me hard! I may as well have never been here!!
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