  • Tag 18

    The Dripping Rock and Gaisalm

    10. September 2016 in Österreich ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

    Today I set out to see if I could walk to the Dripping Rock and beyond to Gaisalm.
    My walk to the Barenbald alm gave me the confidence to try.
    It was a lovely morning, cool but not cold, overcast.
    The walk starts out very easy, a stroll along the path at the lake's edge. It was really pleasant. The water in the lake is so clear.
    The path started to rise and fall. In the worst parts a metal rope has been attached to the rock wall.
    The dripping rock is a spot where water comes down the mountain and crosses the path. A corrugated iron roof has been erected.
    I had a taste of the water coming off the roof - it tasted like the rusty water we would drink from the tops of rusty 44 gallon drums afte rain when we were kids.

    At the dripping rock I had to decide whether turn back to Pertisau or continue to Gaisalm. I decided to keep going as I knew I was more than half way.
    The going did get tougher but still manageable with my walking poles.

    Not far from Gaisalm is a section of loose rock that I had to walk across. I was looking for the path on the other side and saw a metal rope pegged into the wall on the other side. I nearly cried as there was no way I could pull my self up that! Fortunately there was a pathway and crisis averted. I made it to Gaisalm more than 2 hours after I left Pertisau (I'm not sure exactly when I left).
    I just had enough time for a drink before catching the boat back to Pertisau.

    Dripping rock
    Footpath from Pertisau
    How clear the lake water is
    Part of the path
    The dreaded rope