  • Día 49

    Geneva non-Convention

    8 de septiembre de 2019, Suiza ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    This is the first time in Geneva for both of us. The third train of our journey on Saturday from Aigues Mortes arrived in Geneva about 6:30pm and we depart on our final rail trip on Monday morning giving us a full day to look around Geneva, being Dimanche (Sunday), most shops and many other things are closed.

    Hotels in Geneva provide free public transport cards for guests. We made good use of it.

    First objectives were to see the big water fountain on the lake and to take a couple of free rides across the lake with our transit cards. Nothing much to see at the end so we jumped on the next bus back to the city centre.

    Geneva some interesting sculptures scattered across the city. We saw some of them. The big broken chair looked interesting so we jumped on a tram to take a look. It doesn't matter what reason you have to go somewhere, the journey is an adventure and often brings surprises.

    After the chair and the United Nations building across the road, we jumped on an electric bus to go to the old town. Like most old towns, it has narrow streets, a Hotel de Ville (City Hall) and a Cathedral all of course on the top of a steep hill.

    We jumped on another tram to head back to the city centre but after heading towards the city, it turned to head out the other side. Oops. The return trip was not wasted, I got to see almost life sized chess games in progress in the park.

    After dinner and packing for our departure in the morning, we decided there was time to walk back down to the lake to see the water fountain lit up after dark. We took a slightly different route and were quite surprised to find that our hotel was beside a thriving red light district. About half the shops were selling bongs and I don't care what else, and the rest were selling human services. There were ladies on the street every where and in red lounges with the curtains open. The blokes standing around seemed to be pimps.

    Life is full of surprises.
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