  • Dag 65

    Singapore to Malaysia, on foot?

    9 april 2018, Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

    After considerable deliberation, investigation and discussion we decided that we would take the jungle line (electric and diesel train) from Johor Bahru, Malaysia to Kuala Lumpur. Johor Bahru is across the river into Malaysia from Singapore. Our online investigation into the finer detail of this leg was confusing at best. So we took a chance and booked the train tickets and figured we would “wing it” once we got out of the country.
    A S$25 cab ride to the Woodlands checkpoint (border crossing) and there we were, on foot, 830am, backpacks loaded, and already 29 degrees.
    Customs was a breeze at that hour on a Monday morning. With some help from local law enforcement we had directions to JB Sentral (our departure point). “It’s just across the river”. Great, we’ll walk. It was only when we got to the other side that the girls fitbit’s told us we walked 4km. I don’t think any of us are sure that what we did by walking across the border on foot, in the sweltering heat with roaring traffic literally inches from you was the best decision we have made as a group. But its early in the trip. And anyway it was fun.
    We had no hold ups at immigration on the Malaysia side and off we went to catch our train.
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