  • Gün 68

    Street Food in Phnom Penh

    12 Nisan 2018, Kamboçya ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

    We checked into a really nice place called the House Boutique Hotel. Bring your Visa card cause its $16 if you want breakfast included. Pool, Air con, beer, western toilets, pretty swanky for this crew. A little ways to downtown and the banks of the Mekong River but still in the heart of this fascinating city. We went for a walk last night and ate some very questionable street food, probably the limit for the adventurous two in the group. Tell you what we think it was later,
    We were treated to a blessing by some monks this morning, right out front of the place, we got to participate in the whole thing. It was really interesting and the locals were so excited that we wanted to be a part of it. Its the Khmer New Year starting tomorrow. We get the distinct feeling the country, or least major parts of it shut down completely for three days. Off to the mini mart we go for some Angkor beer...dont wanna run out you know.
    Okumaya devam et