  • Dag 49

    Machu Picchu

    3 mars 2020, Peru ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

    *this blog post is 2 days combined*

    We went to visit Machu Picchu and it was INCREDIBLE! Machu Picchu is an old Inca city that was lost (outside Peru) for 500 years!
    The story of rediscovery:
    There was an American guy called Bingham and he went to Peru to try and see the terraces amongst a forest. So he went to a Peruvian man’s house and he didn’t want to take him so he got his son, Pablito to take him to see the terraces, and then Bingham saw the old ruins amongst the trees and raided all the gold and silver. When he arrived, he found a family living in Machu Picchu but when he wrote his book, he said he was the first man to Machu Picchu, but really there were millions of people from the Inca times and even the family he found.

    The next day (today) we climbed Machu Picchu mountain, which is right next to Machu Picchu and it is 3000 metres high! It was so tiring, and I’m not so sure it was worth it when we got to the top as there were clouds covering everything! The most of Machu Picchu we saw is in the pictures.

    After visiting the mountain, we went to see around Machu Picchu again and we went to see the temple of the condor, which was closed yesterday. The temple of the condor is a room of worship with a huge statue of a condor. There was also a secret tunnel room . . . treasure?
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