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    South Dakota, post Deadwood Gulch...

    10. kesäkuuta 2023, Yhdysvallat ⋅ 🌧 54 °F

    Yesterday at Deadwood (Deadwood Gulch?) was quite an education. Bit of a rip-off when it comes to the typical tourist, but hey.... come snow and Deadwood... dies.
    Black Hills National Forest, Roublaix Lake, campground. Started raining last night, Friday night, and basically just has not stopped. Typical Cape June - July drizzle, aka Border Collie is waiting with the leash in his mouth: "... this is take me for a nice long walk, weather...." Cool, damp, wet. Time to read up on the Parks recently visited, time to get frustrated at not being able to get updates on-line... why? That's what 'getting away from it all' is about. Or is it?
    Hardly moved out of Chariot. Been mulling and mulling over, for me, is a major decision - or at least, a step back to reconsider. Issue? The hypocrisy, deceit and backstabbing of what I perceive as movie-making. At least one data-point has been reached - Memories is published. Sooo? Now what? Relax, have 'fun'? Truly starting to realize how much 'struggle' has been part of my life. Am I addicted to it? Family warned that it would not be easy - this Freedom concept - better than the guilt of feeling privileged.
    When does a mountaineer reach the summit? How? By never giving up. "From where you are with what you have, do what you can". I thought that was Sir Winston's encouragement to the British during the Blitz, but no, Roosevelt, apparently.
    Just reviewed some of my 'Dailies' shot recently (Cave Creek, Devil's Tower etc al).
    Can I just give this all up? Then again, spending so much time - with so little certainty of any material reward.
    Give up to do what? Write? Certainly... then struggle for years to make a few sales? Then to have the script stolen? ... time to start laughing I suppose.
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