
tammikuuta - helmikuuta 2023
Guatemala_2023 Lue lisää
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  • Päivä 11

    Panjachal - Lanquin

    10. helmikuuta 2023, Guatemala ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    at 7:15 we were supposed to be at the bus station, at 8:30 the bus finally arrived and around 9am we were back at our hostel which we left at 7am to pick up the last tourists 👍...

    ...2 stops on the way and an ATM didn't spit out our money so maybe we just lost a bunch ...

    ... arriving at Lanquin hostel "El retiro Lodge" was nice though... we checked in for dinner, did some workout before and had a good night of sleep 😴
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  • Päivä 12

    Semuc Champey

    11. helmikuuta 2023, Guatemala ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    ... 11km to the pools was a good opportunity to go for a run ... the pools itself were amazing, very beautiful for a swim and a walk around the natural bassins, around 1pm it started to rain heavily and the way back on the ramp of a pick-up was semi exciting in the rain while we were waiting around an hour for the construction workers to let us pass through...

    ... we had some workouts left, which was perfect to get warm again after the wet ride ... tacos, with loads of Guacamole and salad as a reward and the rest of the evening just chilling, chatting and waiting for dinner 😁, which was very good again ...
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  • Päivä 13

    Lanquin to Flores

    12. helmikuuta 2023, Guatemala ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

    ... waking up and right to the last Goliaz workouts of the week ... it was horrible 🤣 ... but in expectance of the 10 hours bus ride ahead acceptable ...

    ... food at the bus stops are wrapped tremendously in plastic ... nothing one would normally buy ... we got a bad coffee instead 😂 ... still had bananas and a white chocolate from the day before 😁 ...

    ... a little run around the island ... it's actually very small and bigger parts of the outer layer are already under water ...

    ... dinner in an interesting environment at "Bistro Puertas del Cielo" ... it's not often that you don't get a menu offered but the waiter akses you instead for your name and where are you from and tells you what they have ... but the food was actually amazing ... to round it up we got some crepes on the way back 🤪 ...
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  • Päivä 14


    13. helmikuuta 2023, Guatemala

    ... another morning another run ... still trying to get a car I made my way through the city and the park ... both not worse it ... city itself is loud and dirty ... same accounts for the park - less loud though ... dogs are always a problem ... some of them are just chilling at the sidewalk but as soon as they are I packs they are getting cocky ... one encounter with two mongrels was enough but the 5 bulldogs in the recreation area were a bit over the top ... ah yeah and we still couldn't rent a car because it was not available and I some lost my credit card somewhere 😅 ...

    ... ok lunch than at "Maracuja" restaurante was fantastic ... I enjoyed another coffee while Dilay explored the island and surroundings via Kayak ...

    ... a little stroll in the evening and back to Maracuja for dinner with some company we met already in Semuc Champey ...
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  • Päivä 15

    Flores to Rio Dulce

    14. helmikuuta 2023, Guatemala

    ... first thing in the morning - pharmacy and antibiotics ... the stomach problems I had for now around one week got worse and I felt miserabel ... Dilay had a meeting and at 11am we catched the bus to Rio Dulce ...

    ... I kept on sleeping what was a pity since the place in the mangroves seemed very lovely ...

    ... and I missed a splendid zucchini soup accompanied with a blackout and candle light 🤪 ...
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  • Päivä 16

    Rio Dulce to Livingston

    15. helmikuuta 2023, Guatemala ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    Dilay started the day diligently working while I took a longer rest ... felt better though after 15h sleeping ...

    ... around 10am we catched the boat to Livingston with some lagoon stops with beautiful water lilies, birds and guanas ...

    .... after check-in we went to the "beach" which was basically a landfill for the next 5km ... shops at the were half closed because of the heat - kind of siesta manner - at least what we thought. ... so we decided to go back to the hostel and do our workout in the tropical heat ...

    ... as we went for another stroll to the market around 8pm we figured that everything was closed ... we weren't able to riddle the circumstances of closed shops during daytime and barricaded shops during night time - what are the shops for? 🧐 ...

    ... on the way back we stopped at a little African style restaurant with some life drum beats and dance interludes ...
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  • Päivä 17

    Livingston to Rio Dulce

    16. helmikuuta 2023, Guatemala ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    ... uncertainty in the morning but after a coffee in the hammock - the way every day actually should start 😁 - we decided to go for a chocolate tour, which was definitely the right decision ... IF you ever go to Livingston do the cacao tour with Ninet - you need to understand Spanish though or at least one of you ...

    ... we got an extended tour through the garden with plenty of different fruit trees, which was already nice by its own ... and than straight into chocolate making - a skill every human being should possess 🤪 -
    We checked the different trees, got the beans, skipped the fermentation since we didn't have 2 weeks to stay and went straight to the roasting and grinding - well and eating and drinking 😁 - after we squeezed the chocolate paste a couple of times through the press we got a nice sick paste which would go to the fridge and become a chocolate bar ...

    ... after that successful morning we took our boat back in direction to Rio Dulce and spend another night in the mangroves surrounded by the sounds of nature and boat engines roaring all night long as if we were sleeping just next to a highway ...

    ... but food and accommodation was nice and we managed to finish another strenuous workout session ...
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  • Päivä 18

    Rio Dulce - El Paraíso - Flores

    17. helmikuuta 2023, Guatemala ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

    ... coffee in the morning ☕ ....
    ... boat to Rio Dulce at 9am ...
    ... chicken bus to "El boquerón" canyon ... a silent boatsman shipped as the 200m through the canyon were we stranded due to a language misunderstanding of "you can spend there 20min and you can go and walk for 20min" so we ended up having enough time for our daily workout and a swim ...

    ... back on the chicken bus and just 10min later into the hot springs of "El paraíso" ... perfectly temperatured waterfalls of around 40°C flushing from the rocks into the river ... a natural spa a la carte ... after a mud therapy and a short ride back we got some food in the " Go Beyond CoWor-Kafé" and ...

    ... waited ... bus was supposed to come at 4:30pm but wouldn't show up before 7:30pm ... the ride was incredible uncomfortable ... the AC was set on freezer, every hour a stop and a visit from the police, lights on/off all the time ... we arrived at 0:30am in Flores and prepared our backpacks for the jungle...
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  • Päivä 19

    El Mirador - no Mirador - Tikal

    18. helmikuuta 2023, Guatemala

    ... wake-up after 3 hours of non consistent sleep, giving a hug to Daniel who came down from Mexico to join for our great adventure to El Mirador. Jungle, animals, adventure and no lack of maladies were in the frame of our expectations ...

    ... leaving Flores into the north around 4:30pm we just arrived at a military checkpoint on the road ... while the commander had no issue to let us continue the elderly ranger in charge proclaimed religiously that we need a packe but it's no problem we can just go back to Flores buy a package for 400€/person and come back for a full 5 days trip another time and like that we don't need to go so fast and get a chef and some horses to carry out stuff ... after 10-15min trying to explain that there really exists a world outside of these packages I understood ... I could as well talk to a tree ... after we did some rounds in our merry-go-round game of "you just buy a package and get carriers, a chef, a guide and can walk slow" and "I don't won't horses carrying my stuff a cook preparing my meals and a guide leading me through the only and very obvious path and I really really don't have 5 days!" - I just ... gave up ...

    ... we turned the car and drove back into the sunrise ... after Daniel raised our mood with toast and marmelade we decided to make the best out of it and headed to TIKAL ...

    ... right at the entrance we encountered a group of coaty mundis ... payed our entrance fee and explored the excavation sides ... for an hour at least ... till we recognised the oppressive heat, lack of food and water and the rare sleep from last night made it not very enjoyable to work through piles of stones...

    ... we fell asleep in the gras after some tee surrounded by tourists and ancient pyramids...

    ... after our little nappy we decided to get a guide - what is a very good idea if you want to learn something about sone piles ... after some walky walky and a bunch of explanation we had another tee right at the top of the biggest pyramid while everyone else gathered at another pyramid to watch the sunset we had the rest of the park for ourselves...

    ... after we spotted some howler monkeys we got some local food and pitched our tent at the camp side next to TIKAL ...
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  • Päivä 20


    19. helmikuuta 2023, Guatemala

    ... after the diesel engine of the camping ground started its music around 6:30 we slowly and uncomfortably packed our stuff together and made our way out to the entrance to buy another ticket for Uaxactún, which is another excavation side in the north. Important you don't buy the ticket there or on the intersection to it ... you buy it 15km down the road ... arriving at the ticket counter we got some known marmelade toast with tortillas and avocado plus coffee and chocolate ... stomachs filled and brains fueled we decided to don't drive back for 2 hours but go directly to Yaxhá, which is another excavation side - apparently the Maya have been very diligent here ...

    ... we arrived around noon and enjoyed an almost empty park like area with pyramids digged out, birds and howler monkeys orchestrating in the covering canopies ... fantastic ... relaxing ...

    ... dinner at a restaurant close to the entrance ... a nice good night tee and we stayed at the campsite next to the neighbouring lake without the canopy of the tent under a beautiful firmament of infinity...
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