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  • Giorno 44

    Sahrah to Marrakech

    4 maggio, Marocco ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

    Today, we got up at 5:30 so we could watch the sunrise from our camels. They said breakfast was included, but it was just small pastries and a lot of bread. It was pretty disappointing because we had a really long day ahead of us. After eating, Pearse and I made our way down to the camels where we waited to get on one. Other groups were leaving, and we were told to wait. We ended up waiting until we were the last two people waiting for a camel. It ended up only being Pearse and I on the one group of camels, so we kinda got a private tour. The saddles were probably even more uncomfortable today. I swear it was just made of wood with a little blanket over the hump. Unfortunately, because we had to wait so long for our camels to leave, we weren't allowed to stop for the sunrise. We could see the other groups sitting in the sand watching, but we had to catch up. The sun was rising behind us, so we could sort of turn around and see the begginging of it, but we ended up going behind a sand dune for most of it. When the sun first started rising, it made a perfect shot of our shadows. After an hour, we got back to the bus. It's about an eight hour drive back to Marrakech from the dessert. We stopped for some coffee after an hour and a half. I ran into the bathroom really quick, and when I was in the stall, there were 2 huge spiders in the corner just above the toilet. To be honest, I was terrified of them. They had really long legs and a body shaped like a long grain of rice. Absolutely nasty. It was a few hours until our lunch stop. For lunch, there was a pretty big buffet. It was about €12 for the buffet. I went up about four separate times and completely filled my plate all four times. I had to make it worth it. After lunch, we got back on the bus for a few more hours before we stopped at a rest stop with a little spot to take some pictures of the surrounding mountains. I quickly took a couple of pictures and went downstairs to just sit in a lawn chair in the sun. In short bursts, the hot sun feels so good. I pulled up my sleeves and just shut my eyes until Aziz, the tour guide, had to beg me to get back on the bus. Pearse and I booked our hostel we would stay at for the next 3 nights. Our friend we made on this trip, Billy, decided he'd come stay with us for a couple of nights before he left for London. When we got back to Marrakech, we had to deal with the city traffic again. The streets are so chaotic and stressful. I don't think there are any rules on the road, except for maybe stop at a red light if you feel like it. Seeing the streets here makes me feel bad for ever complaining about the roads at home. When the three of us checked into the hostel, it was almost 9:00. Pearse and I got onto our room, where we sat and spoke to our roommates for about an hour. Once we felt comfortable leaving our bags under the bottom bunk with these people, we met back up with Billy for a little bit of grub. We stopped at a place in the market that was filled wall to wall with people. It was a really good spot for one of my favorite pastimes, people watching. Billy was a professional as well. On the way back to the hostel, the three of us made plans to hang out and walk around. Today was a really long day of traveling, so it was pretty early to bed for us.Leggi altro