  • Dag 2


    26. oktober 2016, Island ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

    All the photos you see on our trip are taken on Rob's phone. Both the photos you see taken here have a rainbow in them which appeared as we arrived and when we left it was still there. This is what marked our visit to where two Continental Plates are moving apart. You could see the end of the rainbow so close to us you could almost see the pot of gold. Of course, the reason the rainbow persisted was the fine mist of rain sweeping across the site, driven by a strong wind of the relentless kind.

    This didn't stop us, though it tried, and we think we got some really good photos. It's a fascinating place even when it's wet and windy. But there was sun too, and this is what made it for us.
    Les mer