Just Travelous

сентября - октября 2017
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  • День 22

    Costa Brava Cycling - Day 1

    13 октября 2017 г., Испания ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Today we started our cycle tour of the Costa Brava. We discovered that our tour was designed for hybrid bikes. The roadie in me couldn't handle it and we were able to upgrade for free, thanks Cicloturisme. Fitted out with some snazzy red bikes it was time for our introduction session where they explained the maps and how to get help if needed. This was a little difficult, as there was clearly a language barrier and our entire route today was on gravel so needed to be changed. It was suggested that we type a number of towns into our gps to avoid the major highways. So we plugged it in and had the man check it was the right route. 'Si, si,' he said. Route plugged in, road bikes fitted, cleats on and it was go time.

    First indication we got that this wasn't the right route was when it pushed us onto the old railway tracks which have been converted into a gravel cycle and walkway. After 2km it was back to road, our seats and hands were very thankful after the constant jar of the gravel.

    We were making good time and enjoying the ride despite the manure stench from the nearby farms when the gps tried to send us up a road that didn't exist. We eventually found a dirt track that linked up with the road and set off.

    This 'road' when we found it was a dirt track complete with lots of rocks, sharp bends, gravel and soft sand. Our bikes were not suited to suited to this at all and it was slow going with a number of spills and a lot of walking.

    Finally after what seemed like hours we found road again only to discover a really steep inclined for the next few kilometres. We finally reached the summit and decided to reroute our gps to ensure there was no more dirt tracks as we couldn't handle any more mountain biking. The gps sent us 90% of the way back down what we had just climbed (and I think at this point Nicole wanted to kill me). Thankfully we came across a town and found some food to refuel.

    The final 15km into Sant Feliu de Guixols was mostly gentle , flat and all on tar. Thankfully it was a relatively easy finish because Nicole was sick of the saddle. After a few wrong turns looking for our hotel we finally arrived. Some showers left us feeling refreshed and we went and checked out the beautiful beach nearby.
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  • День 22

    Dinner for Queens

    13 октября 2017 г., Испания ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

    For dinner and celebrating Nicole's awesomeness on a bike we found Sa Marinada overlooking the port we had some beautiful local vino blanco. Finally the restaurant was open. Generally restaurants don't open for dinner until 8pm. We had a beautiful dinner, highlights include lobster soup, carpaccio eel with avocado, and amazingly tender duck. They matched wines for us and it was just perfect. A beautiful way to spend an evening but by 10pm we were well and truly ready for bed so caught a taxi back to the hotel.Читать далее

  • День 23

    Costa Brava Cycling - Day 2

    14 октября 2017 г., Испания ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    Today's ride was beautiful. We followed the coastline north to Calella. Even better our ride was all on roads and or paved paths. It was flat, the weather warm but not hot and a gentle 25.5km.

    We were treated to some gorgeous views as we rode along the boardwalks of Platja d'Aro and Sant Antoni de Calogne.

    The gps tried to send us along dirt tracks twice but being more learned we decided to ride along the highway. Slightly longer but certainly more enjoyable.

    We finished the afternoon with a late lunch (thankfully the Spanish serve lunch until 4) overlooking the harbour and a bit of sun bathing on the beach.
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  • День 24

    Costa Brava Cycling - Day 3

    15 октября 2017 г., Испания ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    Our day started with some sunrise yoga (sunrise is just before 8am here) and then a breakfast overlooking the start line of an open water swim race in the bay below. It looked to have at least 100 competitors.

    Our exploration of Costa Brava and Catalonia region continue. Today we continued our bike journey north to Torroella de Montgrí. Given that we are both suffering with colds we were glad for a nice gentle 26km ride through small country towns and off the busy highways. We were finally able to ride two abreast.

    We rode through lovely luscious green country side and through Torrent, Palau-Sator, the outskirts of Fontanilles and Gualta. We stopped on the road just outside of Gualta to take photos of the castle on the mountain behind Torroella de Montgrí and then had a fun conversation with a local farmer. He spoke no English and us, no Spanish so it was not so straight forward. He wanted to show us his very large zucchini, and to be fair it was a rather large vegetable. He was nice and it was a lovely friendly gesture.

    The views and quite country highways made this ride the best so far. Now time for a massage at our fancy country club style hotel.
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  • День 25

    Costa Brava Cycling - Day 4

    16 октября 2017 г., Испания ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Our hotel, Molí del Mig was lovely and we were a little sad to be moving on. But our bikes were calling, mine more so than Nicole's and so we said farewell to Torroella de Montgrí.

    Our route started with what I described to Nicole as a slight detour to a coastal lookout. I did not mention the lookout would be on top of a hill and the hill looked steep. The hill was very steep and we zigzagged our way slowly to the top. Nicole was in struggle town which I later discovered was mostly due to the fact that she was using the big cog. Anyway, we made it up the hill to Torre de Montgó. A tower built in 1598 to protect the town below, L'Escala from piracy. The tower was locked but the vantage point provided views of L’Escala, Sant Martí d’Empúries and the Bay of Roses. After seeing the views Nicole forgave me for making her climb a really big hill.

    We then rode along the water front promenade of L'Escala. We loved this section of the ride because we got some beautiful views and a dedicated bike lane which meant no pedestrian dodging. We stopped to take a photo after failing at the selfie game we asked a nearby pedestrian. She spoke no English and I don't think she has ever used a smart phone. She tried to use the camera lens as a view finder and took a lot of confused selfies. She got there in the end and took a surprisingly good photo. Or alternatively Nic and I are just very photogenic.

    To finish today's ride it was mostly highway riding but we were lucky. The highways had wide shoulders and we were able to ride two abreast. We visited a few more little quaint Spanish country towns. Some no more than four or five houses and a church. The towns we rode through were Viladamat, L'Arbre Sec, Torroella de Fluvià, Riumors, and Fortià.

    After riding a tidy 50km we reached our hotel, Hotel de la Moneda in Castelló d'Empúries. This family run hotel was lovely and their service exceptional. They didn't speak English (a running theme in rural Catalonia) but made us feel more welcome than anywhere else we have visited.

    The town, Castelló d'Empúries was once the capital of the Empúries region (local name for Costa Brava region) as the previous capital, Sant Martí d'Empúries, was too easily sacked by pirates. I also saw a sign that sign that said in the early 1800s Napoleon's Army fought here, but I have never been one for military history. My favourite things about this town were the maze like streets and the beautiful church, Santa Maria de Castelló.
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