Driving across the USA

Nisan 2018 - Haziran 2024
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  • Gün 31

    Day Trip to Santa Fe, New Mexico

    4 Mayıs 2018, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    Santa Fe is only 40 min away from where we are staying. We had the choice of taking the train or driving to the little town. After doing a bit of research, we choose the car as the different areas of Santa Fe looked hard to get to one another without a car.

    Santa Fe is probably a lovely little town to explore when you don't have kids. It's full of art gallery's and museums and unfortunately nothing we wanted to try and conquer. Our first stop was the railway park which had a playground with slides and ropes.

    While there we met a lady with her 2 young kids. She was from Czech Republic and her husband is American and set up his Dr practice there in Oct. She said that there is very little for kids in Santa Fe. She home schools her eldest, who is 5.5 and talks as much as Brandon. She said they go to the library and the children's museum, but it's not so great. She was good to talk to, but we felt a bit underwhelmed with Santa Fe.

    We drove down Canyon Rd, the arts district, and wanted to get out , but there was no parking to be found, and the street didn't have sidewalks and wouldn't be safe with 2 kids to have a Sunday stroll.

    We continued our car ride to downtown or the old town and found parking for an hour. We saw the plaza, and the little tables locals set up to sell their handmade jewellery and items.

    There was a community arts center which had statues outside for the kids to touch. We tried to go into a shop /gallery but it was stressful for them to just look and not touch or bump into anything, plus the shop staff were not that friendly.

    Old town has a distinct look with most buildings square and pueblos style with the sand/brown colour. Old town has to look like it did and therefore finding a public toilet for a 5 year old is impossible and there are no trees anywhere either. We became patrons at a cafe, for the toilet and a coffee. The shop assistant told is about Meow Wolf, which became our next stop.

    Meow Wolf, is a art installation which was collaborated by over 200 artists, established in 2008. This permanent installation was launched in 2016 and had support from George RR Martin.

    Meow Wolf creates immersive, interactive experiences to transport audiences of all ages into fantastic realms of story and exploration.  House of Eternal Return, where guests discover a multidimensional mystery house with secret passages, portals to magical worlds, climbing apparatus, and surreal, maximalist & mesmerizing art exhibits along with a children’s learning center, top ten in the U.S. music venue and cafe area.

    The house/maze was never ending and we all had a great time. There is a storyline and clues to follow but that was impossible to do as Brandon and Inara kept moving to another secret room or something new to see or experience. It was very easy to loose one another but also to miss a room as there was another one to see instead.

    On the drive back, Elisa drove while the other 3 had much needed naps after an exhilarating few hours. Josh and the kids has a short play in the pool, scootered around while dinner was being made and then off to Kactus brewing company, which is attached to the KOA.
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  • Gün 32

    Albuquerque, New Mexico

    5 Mayıs 2018, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    Today is cinco de mayo, so we were hoping to experience some local culture today. Elisa found a cinco de mayo folk art festival not far so we thought we could check that out.

    As we didn't get to do the train yesterday we were going to take the train today. The road runner train looked nice and modern. Luckily Elisa checked the schedule before we walked half a mile to the closest station, as it only ran every 5 hours or so. 5 hours... no wonder no one takes the train. Its not convenient and based off a conversation with a local, it's expensive and not affordable.

    So, off we went to the festival by car. The festival was more like a small art market, which had very little food and was not as big as advertised. Everyone was very nice and the solar lamps were interesting, along with bottle cap artwork. There was some nice jewelry and metal work. There was a older lady who saw Josh pushing the empty pram/stroller, as Elisa was holding Inara, and was so excited to see a baby. She came up to Inara and touched her cheeks and hugged Elisa and Inara both, a few times.

    After the market we headed into old town Albuquerque. It was very cute and what we actually thought Santa Fe would be like. The old town had a plaza, place for celebration and community across from the St Felipe church. The whole area was in the pueblos style houses and stores in the earth tone brown. There was gallery's and tourists shops, along with restaurants and little public squares in amongst the buildings. The squares were decorated with benches, water fountains, cactus and flowers. Over the day, it seemed each square has some musician playing in it.

    We sat down after our quesadilla lunch and listened to a 4 piece guitar ensemble. They played Spanish music and Inara and Brandon did some grooving to them. We don't know if this is a normal weekend occurrence or if it was because of Cinco de mayo.

    In the first store we went to, a retail store selling different onyx items, the seller gave Inara and Brandon a necklace each and seemed to love Australians. He was very funny and seemed to be a friendly person.

    The plaza was not celebrating Cinco de mayo, but lemonade day. There was at least a dozen primary school kids with their own lemonade stands, selling different types of lemonade and snacks. Prices ranged from 50 cents to $3 for a lemonade glass. The amount of time and effort the kids (or parents) put into the advertising, banners and tables /stands was impressive. Brandon got a very thirst quenching home made lemonade.

    While walking around we also found a nice playground with slides, monkey bars, and everything that a kid could want, attached to a nice green park. There where a few family get togethers for the holiday.

    We made it back to the camp, had a lovely swim in the pool, did another load of laundry (as it was $2.50 total for a wash and dry, and has been the cheapest yet) and had a nice pasta dinner.

    We were situated right next to the playground so it was a great way for Brandon to meet other kids. That night Brandon became friends with Thor (real name Travis) a 4 year old from Durango, Colorado and Luke, a 3yr old from a town not too far in New Mexico. They all had a great time together at the playground, or scootering/ riding bikes together. It was lovely talking to the parents and learning about their lives. We had a few drinks with Jason, Thor' s dad and the highlight was glow in the dark bocce ball.

    Everyone was so friendly at the KOA. We even met an older couple from Farmington who at the end of our conversation hugged Elisa and told her that if we need anything, they are in that cabin. The KOA was packed over the weekend as many locals were camping for sport. We knew that families have camped for a track meet, lacrosse, baseball, and basketball.

    We had a lovely time on New Mexico. Santa Fe was was a bit disappointing but Meow Wolf was a good surprise. Albuquerque was pleasant and relaxing, but the best of this stop was the people.
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  • Gün 33

    Off to Amarillo, Texas; 6th state

    6 Mayıs 2018, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    We got out of the KOA campsite in New Mexico about 1030am. It is about a 2 hour process to take down and pack and the car and about an hour to set up tent with all the beds blown up.

    We had a pretty boring drive to Amarillo, Texas, the largest city in the Texas Panhandle and the biggest city closest to Palo Duro Canyon. It is also a half way stop between Albuquerque and Norman, OK, where we are off to next.

    We stopped for lunch in Santa Rosa, NM. The town seemed pretty run down but there was a kids playground with public bathrooms which fit our needs. It was sandy and lacked grass, and the floor of the playground was pieces of rubber. The park also had coal bbq's which the other family that was there was using and cooking a very delicious bbq meal.

    The most exciting part of the drive was that once we got into Texas for about 40 miles, there was wind turbines. It was pretty impressive.

    Amarillo operates the meat packing area in the country. It has a population of 279,000 and is very spread out on flat land, and low level ranches, along with cows, cows and more cows.

    The KOA was small and the tent site was pretty open to the elements. We were situated right across from bathrooms and playground. The playground is always a helpful babysitter when packing up and unpacking. It was also very warm so we let Inara run around naked and get some sun on her white little body.

    That night we decided to be total tourists and had dinner at "The Big Texan Steakhouse and brewery ". The restaurant picked us up at our campsite, car seats and all. We had a to wait for about 20 min to get seated, as they don't take reservations.

    The dining area was a big room with tables lined up in rows, holding about 6 at a table. The outskirts of the room had booths that we were sat at. There was a second level that only had one row around the room, also booth style. The decor was many large animal heads and hides hanging up. This is a steak house.

    The kids both got served dinner in a cowboy hat, and Elisa and Josh got different cuts of steak. The excitement of the night was when Inara decided to eat a green chili, maybe thinking it was a cucumber? The first 2 bites were fine but then she got into the seeds. Josh was trying to feed her ranch dressing from the mozzarella sticks. Our waiter quickly ran to the kitchen and ran back with milk and bread, even the hostess came over to see if she was ok. She wasn't screaming but she was definetly in pain and tried to drink the milk and get cuddles from Josh.

    The restaurant is home to the free 72 ounce steak, only if you can eat it in an hour. Josh ordered a 21 ounce Lone star cut, served a beautiful medium rare and was full after that, along with 2 beers. Elisa ordered a filet, which came in 2 round pieces. It was unfortunately overcooked and did not have the red juicyneas that Josh's steak did. The restaurant is all about having the best steaks, so we were given a 20% discount.

    Elisa also enjoyed a tasting flight of all the beers. They were all pretty good, including the raspberry wheat beer. We left the restaurant bringing a growler of the Hefenweizen.

    It was a good night and so far Texas isn't as scary as we thought.
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  • Gün 34

    Palo Duro Canyon

    7 Mayıs 2018, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    The KOA we are staying at is situated right next to a train track, a highway and an airport. It was a loud and sleepless night for Elisa. She counted 13 trains passing. It seems Amarillo is very popular for freight trains.

    When we all finally woke up, it was already warm outside. The temperature was to reach almost 100 degrees/ or 37 degrees. It was going to be a hot day. It was windy, overcast and hot.

    Our day was supposed to consist of hikes throughout Palo Duro Canyon. We drove about 30 min to get to the 2nd largest Canyon in the U.S. Unlike the Grand Canyon, where you can see it approaching miles ahead, this canyon just shows up out of nowhere amongst country farm land.

    Palo Duro Canyon is 120 miles long, as much as 20 miles wide, and has a maximum depth of more than 800 feet. Its elevation at the rim is 3,500 feet above sea level. It is home to lots of different wild life. We were able to drive right down into the canyon and we were surprised how green and the different low living vegetation there was in the canyon.

    As of now Brandon has only got junior ranger badges y National Parks, but through chatting, we found out that some State parks have ranger badges as well. So, Brandon got his booklet at the visitor center.

    We drove down the canyon and on the scenic road. We stopped to walk the 1.3 mile, one way, sunflower trail, but only did a mile loop instead. It was so hot out. Inara fell asleep in the carrier and was sweating, Brandon didn't complain, it was just an uncomfortable day. We saw a rodent run in front of us, and a wild turkey as well and birds.

    After finishing the page for Brandon's ranger badge (which was a patch this time) and heading back up the canyon, we decided to take our waiters suggestions and head to the museum in canyon, the town. Unfortunately, the museum is closed on Mondays until June. We had our lunch sitting out at the front of the museum.

    We headed back to Amarillo. As it was so hot, we stopped and did some shopping at the Toys R Us, as they are closing down. We got some bargains and then headed back to the campsite to start at early dinner and relax. The KOA has a pool but doesn't open until next week. It would have been perfect to use now.

    The KOA got a bit busier and we had 2 other groups with kids for Brandon to play with. The one family is from Ohio and they homeschool the 2 out of 4 kids that are school aged. The only reason why I bring this up is because every campsite we have been, we have met home schooled families. I never realized how big it really was.

    It was a relaxing night and for the first time we got to sit outside after the kids went to bed, as it was a earlier night than normal.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 35


    8 Mayıs 2018, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    We had a lazy morning as we didn't have to be at the next campsite to put up our tent. We were on our way to visit Elisa's friend Amanda, her husband Chris and daughter Mary Lee. Amanda wasn't going to be home till 6pm, so we had all day to make our way 4 hours to the house.

    We didn't finish up the car and tent and pulled out of the KOA till almost 11am. This is the latest we have ever started our day. We left Texas and headed into Oklahoma. There isn't much to see from point A to B, and it was pretty flat,straight and uneventful. It was pretty much wheat, cotton and cows.

    Our drive consisted of stopping at Dunkin doughnuts for bagels and coffee and a stop at the Oklahoma welcome center for lunch and bathroom stop. We made really good time and stopped in a Indian Trading store to look at the wares. Brandon really wants to get Elisa a mother's day gift and kept asking if she wanted this and that tourist stuff.

    We made it to the house about 430pm, where we were greeted by Chris and Mary Lee. Chris, who we don't know opened his home, time and beer to us. They live in a beautiful house built a few years ago in a gated estate about 25 miles from Oklahoma city. They have a small backyard but behind the backyard is community ground that has a pond, benches and grills, walking area and even a swing that they fastened to a nice sized tree. Just above the houses is a manmade lake that is a mile around.

    Amanda, who i haven't seen in about 18 years, finally came home and it was great to see her. We had a lovely dinner which Chris made on the bbq. Mary Lee is turning 7 in Oct and her and Brandon got along very well. They both liked having a playmate.

    Mary Lee was kind of enough to lend her bed to the kids and the adults got the guest room.

    It was a relaxing, pampered and very enjoyable night.
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  • Gün 36

    Here we come Arkansas

    9 Mayıs 2018, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    We had a relaxing day chillin' with Amanda and Mary Lee. We are so grateful Amanda was able to take off work to spend time and Mary Lee got to play hooky.

    The kids did some scootering around the house. As it is a gated estate, they had a lot of freedom to leave the yard. We also attempted to walk around the lake by the house in the estate but Brandon had other plans and headed back to the house with without telling us.

    We headed to a local playground which was great for all ages. We had lunch there and relaxed in the shade as it was a hot day. We headed back to the house, Inara and Josh had a nap while Mary Lee and Brandon played in the sprinkler. We also hung out by the pond in the back of the house and checked out all the wildlife. There were geese, turtles, fish, frogs and birds. It's a pretty awesome back yard, along with the swing that Brandon insisted on Amanda swinging him.

    We left Amanda, Chris and Mary Lee's house at 4pm. It was a quick and very relaxing visit and we are so thankful for the hospitality.

    We were off to Arkansas to visit Kristia, Charlotte, Maverick and the many animals that live there. After a 3.5 hour drive through the hilly, lush, green and forestry environment, we had a 1.5 mile drive down a gravel, windy, hilly road to get to the last house, in the middle of nowhere.

    We had a chicken dinner when we got there and settled ourselves there for the next 5 nights. Brandon slept with his cousins in Mavericks room while Inara, Josh and Elisa were in Charlottes room.
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  • Gün 38

    Branson, Missouri

    11 Mayıs 2018, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    Kristia suggested we head to Branson Missouri for the day. It is a 2 hour drive to the neighboring state, which is a town full of lots of very different activities. It's like a holiday town, very touristy with lots to do. The kids got to miss school today and kristias

    Our original idea was to go and see Dolly Parton's Stampede dinner show but with the cost and timing it wasn't ideal for the kids. Instead we went to a pretty basic water park but the kids had a blast and it was only $15 a person. It had 2 water slides, a fast but short lazy river, a toddlers pool, a basketball pool, 2 hot tubs and a kids area to climb and water play.

    We spent a few hours there after we had a lunch on the boardwalk and our entire party of all ages had fun. After being water logged we stayed in the same complex and the kids were able to choose one more activity. Charlotte and Brandon did glow in the dark mini golf, Isabelle did go karts, and maverick and Kristia did some zombie 3D game thing.

    As it was another 2 hour drive back we had to have some dinner. Josh was over going out to dinner with the kids so we googled a park, got a pizza and enjoyed dinner at the park. The park was right next to a cute creek, so before we got back into the car we let Brandon and Inara play in the creek before we put PJs on.
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  • Gün 40

    Take me out to a ball game

    13 Mayıs 2018, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    Happy mother's day. Kristia and Elisa organised a outing out to a baseball game for mothers day. Fayettville is home to University of Arkansas and the Razorback Hogs. This is the last series in the normal season and game 3 against Texas A &M.

    It was a very HOT and sunny day as we sat in the Hog pen. You bring your own seats, and most people brought there own food and drink to have a bbq, which picnic tables and bbq s provided, first come, first serve. Kristia had never been to a game and none of us had any idea what to expect.

    All and all, it was a pretty boring game, with the Razorbacks winning 6 to 1. The kids seemed to have fun, and Josh and the kids even made it on the ESPN as they played baseball with the little souvenir bats and ball that kristia bought them. (Mavericks teacher told him on Monday that she saw him on ESPN).

    That night, josh cooked hamburgers, as that is what Kristia requested. The kids ate ice cream peacefully and was a relatively relaxed dinner. Bedtime was early as mav and Charlie had school in the morning.
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  • Gün 41

    Off to Hot Springs Arkansas

    14 Mayıs 2018, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    The kids were up early to head to school, so Brandon, Inara and Elisa walked them their bus stop (being picked up at 650 am), and the little ones could see a magic school bus.

    The day began early, but we had a lot of packing up to do, help Kristia clean the house, and pack up the car before we left about 11am.

    The drive was not as beautiful as coming into Arkansas, but it was still green and hilly. We seemed to have taken a scenic route and went through a mountain area, going 30mph.

    We had a quick, 15 min stop, at a little lake, for lunch where a local was fishing. The lake was surrounded by trees, it was still and humid, and very little noise. Elisa thought this was perfect conditions for an alligator, but are there alligators in Arkansas? The local, with a cigar between his mouth, confirmed that there are at least 2 alligators in this lake and told us tales of seeing it and catching huge fish.

    We finally made it to the Hot Springs, 3.5 hours away from Kristias house. The KOA was cute and was the most secluded KOA we have been to, almost like in a National Park, rather than just a few feet from the highway. There was ducks, squirrels, rabbits and birds, along with a pond and trails in the woods.

    We sweated while we put up the tent and went right into the refreshing pool. It was a high of 95 degrees today/almost 40 C. We recently bought Inara some floaty things and she was a little fish, being the water baby that she is. Brandon had a bit of a swimming lesson and was able to swim across the pool, with the help of a swimming band.

    That night was an early night as the kids get so tired when they have water play. Josh didn't share the sleepyness and was chatting away with the local guys at the next campsite until midnight. They were local Arkansas guys who work for At&t, who get compensated when they work on a job away from home. They were technicians. Josh had a enjoyable night learning about the locals and their culture.
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