  • Päivä 201

    A warm Welcome to Uzbekistan

    12. marraskuuta 2019, Tadžikistan ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

    First day in a new country is always quite busy, you need to sort out car insurance, SIM card, perhaps money if you were not able to do this on the precious country, a was the case this time. I did not find a bank in Tajikistan that would hold any Uzbek Som as the currency has been deregulated. In addition to that I needed to refill my gas bottle. I just had to exchange my Mongolian bottle in Dushanbe as the regulator was leaking. And for whatever reason it was already empty. Strange!!! And scary.
    Whatever. In the first larger town I entered in Ubekistan I saw a shop sign saying "Kredit ...", so thinking it was a bank I stopped, only to realize, this is no bank but a shop you can buy things on credit. Not what I wanted. So I ask the man standing next to me, where was the next Bank. Oh, I have taxi here, I drive you there. Cheeky bugger I think, thanks, but no thanks. The next person I ask shows me the direction. Off I walk and I walk. .. this cannot be right, so I ask a lady coming my way. Yes you come with me she signs at me, so I turn around and walk with her in the direction I just came from. Just where I have parked my car she makes an attempt to gently shove me in a group taxi. This are teeny little vans, about half the size of mine, in Australia they would seat 6 max, here you get in 8, with some good will 10 people and a carpet for good measure. I mean what are Windows there for, if not to open them and stick the carpet out sideways. I put up some resistance, don't I have a single Som to my name, and the driver wants some money for sure. So a big debate ensues. There comes a man to my rescue who speaks English, and to him I am able to explain my predicament, just arrived in U, have no uzbek money, need bank to change, taxi is to bring me there but needs to be paid for. Can't finish telling him my car is just parked over here, please tell me where bank is, I can drive myself. He briefly talks to the driver, the driver nods, they push me into the taxi. But... "No money" I say, "Taxi free" he indicates and off we go. And go and go. How am I going to find my Car and Rex again, quickly a pin set on Google earth, and go and go. Finally the taxi stops, "this bank", I say many "Rahmats", thank yous, everyone laughs gently, hands on my shoulder oh, she speaks Uzbek, I laugh back and off I go into the bank. Long cue at the counter, but I am osistently pushed to the front. No waiting for this foreign lady. I am sent to another counter, where again I have the privilege of jumping the cue and 5 mins later I have money in my pocket. Feels better right away.
    But now, how do I get back??? Well, when in Rome, do as the Romans do. I put myself at the roadside and stick out my thumb to the first grouptaxi that comes my way, it promptly stops. I jump in to the excitement of everyone already in there, and off we go. Loud music, a lot of chattering and at a speed faster than to my liking but did I enjoy this little trip! Should do it more often.
    Next stop SIM card. Nothing remarkable happening here.
    Now back to the car and looking to get my gas bottle refilled.
    Most cars in Uzbekistan are driving on gas to the extent, that petrol and particularly diesel is really hard to come by. In all the other countries I was able to get my gas bottle refilled at fuel stations that as well had gas for cars. So I thought it would be as easy as driving up to one gas refuelling stations, but no such luck. It's Methane not Propane they drive on. So where do I find Propane? No one really knows, just some approximate direction on the map. So off I the drive trying to find propane. One thing here is driving and looking for anything when cars are coming at you left, right and center in the oriental fashion, the other thing is deciphering the Cyrillic writing., but eventually I see a gas bottle sign which I follow. But unfortunately this is a workshop where they retrofit cars for gas use. I tell them what I want, but, no, they cannot help me. So a lot of palaver again, people running here and there, I am told to wait, which I do, being of obedient nature. Eventually a man comes, asks for my bottle, tells me to follow him, opening the pass3nger door of his car, suggesting I enter and off we go, driving through the whole town, 15 mins at least it seems and voilá, here we are at the propane refilling place.
    This was my first day in Uzbekistan. Is there any better way for a acountry to introduce itself to me? This boundless preparedness to help in these Central Asian Countries is so heart warming. I know I am repeating myself, but these experiences will have a lasting impact on my life and attitude to people needing help.
    Managed to get some sightseeing done as well that day. First impressions of the glorious architecture of the Uzbek cities along the silk road.
    When visiting the Jami Mosque Museum in Kokand instead of the expected serenity I was greeted by a pop concert, featuring several Uzbek singers. What most impressed me was how these ladies in their long dresses and head scarves got up and stared dancing and enjoying themselves. Unfortunately I could not capture this moment, too far away.
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