  • День 280

    And we made it into Oman

    30 января 2020 г., Оман ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    After I arrived in The Emirates I was informed I could neither enter Oman nor Saudi Arabia with my right hand drive (RHD) vehicle. Very disappointing!! With Saudi no one is 100 % sure, but Oman was just a no go.
    This morning Arman and I decided we'll give it a try and drive towards the Oman border.
    Exit from UAE was no problem at all. First vehicle check in Oman was a very quick open the door and have a peek affair. At the next stop, where I needed the carnet du passage stamped, the officer wanted to send me to the office without further ado, however his colleague mentioned the RHD to him. So unfortunately he had to deal with it. He accompanied me to the appropriate office building. We had a nice little chat where I acted surprised at the mentioning of the RHD not being permitted. On the long side within the building there was a reflective glass wall, separating the customers from the officers. Only holes were cut through the glass at each desk to pass through the documents. And beside each window a sign saying "Sleeping not allowed".
    So my officer disappeared behind the wall, indicating I should wait. About 5 mins later he called me to the window, and tells me, the dog papers were ok, however the carnet.... RHD... there was another officer, seemed to be his superior going on the stats appliquet to his lapel, indicated to me to come closer. As I was already standing at the window I had to stick my head through the cut out to follow his invitation and I just started my tirade, I had come so far from Australis and wanted to see his beautiful country, when he whispered to me I should only wait for 10 mins and he gets the stamp for me. He said I had so beautiful eyes and how old was I? What? 65? Such a beautiful face and lovely smile!!!
    Good I had remembered to take my glasses off: in these countries my best asset are my green eyes!
    So I waited for my ten minutes, men in their white tunics and head coverings crowding in with me, (oh, I so wished for my camera, but taking photos forbidden) then I was sent away to buy a car insurance with the promise, when I get back, I will get my stamp.
    And here we are, in Oman. Now I am quite confident, I will get into Saudi Arabia as well! A little bit of carefully applied eye makeup, 'decent clothing' and a happy smile will open the gates to the SA kingdom for me
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