  • Dzień 296


    15 lutego 2020, Arabia Saudyjska ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    The Last few days I spent trying to find out of I can enter the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, KSA, with my Right Hand Drive vehicle and if I can, how do I continue from there. The more I found out, the less likely was this trip to happen.
    Automobil club and other KSA governmental institutions responded with a clear "no, not allowed under any circumstances". Forums gave me the same response: nobody had made it.
    How to continue? Shipping companies from Cairo or Haifa to Greece, Italy or Turkey 5-6 day of sea journey, don't take any dogs. Does the ferry from Kuwait to Iran only 5-6hours, transport cars as well. .. no idea, no response as yet.
    Then I had the glorious idea, should I get into KSA I'll go on a round trip, then back through the UAE. Yeah!!!
    So the next morning I packed up and traveled towards the border.
    And believe it or not.... I made it! Hamdullah! And after all, the car did not seem to be such a problem, there were only a few hushed discussions, the dog was the bigger issue, did I not have be any of the required documents for him. The med cert was not issued by the appropriate office, I did not have a permission of the KSA department for I don't know, but, Hamdullah again, the UAE officer had already completed an application for me. And so, after a lot of smiles, and many more hamdullahs, you are traveling alone? Hamdullah! All the way from australia? Hamdullah! With a dog? Hamdullah! i was waved through all the checkpoints and arrived in KSA.
    But now my only hope is, that, Inshallah! I won't get sent back with my forbidden RHD.
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