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  • Giorno 30

    Chilling in cordoba

    1 febbraio 2023, Argentina ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    The last month of travelling was very nice and also exhausting. So I decided to have a really chilled day, because there is not much so see in an around Cordoba. Also I felt a Little Bit k.o.

    I planned a route and what to do exactly in Salta + Jujuj. I will go on a Roadtrip on Sunday with Lena, Charlotte & Jana.

    I also checked, how much money I have been spending the first month: under budget 😎💪🏽

    Because of the situation in Peru it is still a big topic. The flights over Peru are so expensive and every alternative as well…
    One flight von La Platz to Quito: 400€ with luggage 😬

    Currently I am thinking about to book a flight from Bolivia to Ecuador, then Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica and ending in Mexiko or/and 6 days in NYC. We will see.

    I went to the barber with Stefan after waiting to Aziz and I was not satisfied 😬 still to long haha, but the next customer was already there.. I also bought a new short jeans and a new belt.

    In the evening I chilled at the hostel with aziz and Stefan, because I didn’t want to go out after being around every evening. I slept from 11 p.m to 9 a.m😍
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