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7 h flight + Zug nach regi & Neumarkt
7 h flight + Zug nach regi & Neumarkt
Continental breaki
City palace, but under construction, very beautiful, especially the old pictures of the city
“Scheingrab” city view
Sunset at a hill, then went to the monkey hill with aRead more
13 h overnight train till jaipur, arriving at 13:30
Checking in, relax and shower
Fort amber (they have three forts and up to 13 M walls)
Less people at the end, then enjoyable
Water palace (wholeRead more
Picked up at 2 pm at the hotel
Enjoying live at desert camp
4:30 desert drive
Local village mit Brunnen, tragen, Armut
(Gefühlt wie weiße Touristen, aber alle voll nett)
100 km zu border nachRead more
City tour
Reorganized jaiselmar stuff
Vortmittag nicht so spannend
Abends sunset at maharajah’s crematory
Jaiselmar at night
(Women not much rights, no mobile phones mostly just having kids.Read more
Tuck tuck driver all day to explore jodpur
Palace - one of the biggest private palaces in the world with 350 rooms and 14 gardens
White temple (Present from a maharajahs wife)
- mangrove gardenRead more
One day only beach and relaxing, Raul got a tattoo
Next day
Went to palolem on the last day
Mangrove boat trip with eagle feeding 🦅
Chilling at the beach, drinking 15% alcohol beer
GermanRead more
-Buying drinks & exploring Agonda
- so less crowded beach
- daydrinking
- Fuß umgeknickt, echt geschwollen (Mittelfuß)
- Wasser als kühlbeutel anfangs
- Whirlpool & Night Brathering
-Read more