American Adventure

juni - august 2017
Et 50-dagers eventyr av Joey Les mer
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  • Dag 16

    Foggy Highway One

    14. juli 2017, Forente stater ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    It was our last day in San Francisco today but we certainly made it worthwhile! In just a few hours we managed to ride the trolley car, visit Union Square, drive down the infamously windy Lombard Street, visit the Painted Ladies, have lunch looking at foggy nothingness which should have been the bridge and then drive all the way to Monterey! Needless to say I'm a little bit tired now not forgetting all the ache from yesterday's bike ride. I'll leave you with some pictures of our eventful day - I shall add to these from my camera tomorrow.

    As I'm sure you're wondering, the new wheels have been christened Flora and she is a brand new Focus Sudan (only 18 miles on her!).

    Our Air BnB is another cracker. I even got to have a bubble bath tonight. Many of you will know what a savoured treat that is for me!

    Have a lovely weekend!
    Les mer

  • Dag 17

    Finding Joey

    15. juli 2017, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    After a very lazy start, we headed for the Monterey Bay Aquarium. It is so-said that this is the aquarium on which the one in 'Finding Dory' is based. Our Air BnB came with two free passes which would save us a nearly $50 entrance fee each! We were both particularly excited about seeing the sea otters. However, I have some controversial news for you- they are not half as cute, fluffy and small as all the photos suggest! I for one, was very underwhelmed. What overwhelmed me was the jellyfish. Unfortunately all of my decent photos are on the 'big camera' so you'll have to wait for photos of these wonderful creatures and proof that sea otters are not that cute. What did thrill me was spotting some wild sea otters out at sea from the aquarium balconies. They looked so much happier.

    Following our aquarium visit we had a nice little mooch around the shops and Kate introduced me to Dipping Dots - quite the ice cream sensation!

    I experienced an overwhelming feeling of calm whilst sat outside the aquarium this afternoon and I couldn't quite work out what had brought it on. The penny then dropped and I realised it was because it had finally sunk in that I am not returning to work - at least not for the next 15 months. What an uplifting and freeing feeling.

    With a few hours of daylight left we decided to explore the coastline south of Monterey towards Pebble Beach and Carmel and experienced the scenic 17 Mile Drive on which we encountered pelicans, seals and a beautiful Californian Sunset.

    Les mer

  • Dag 18

    Pacific Coast No-Way

    16. juli 2017, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    After over 10 hours driving, we arrived at our new Air BnB in Newport Beach. Needless to say I'm a little tired. However, the pad was well worth the drive. It's like a luxury hotel room with its own separate entrance, private bathroom and spitting distance from the beach! Well at least we think it is due to the sheer volume of the ocean. I'll confirm tomorrow.

    Anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself. Unfortunately a large stretch of the PCH is closed due to landslides earlier this year (see pic downloaded from google) and there is no detour. Sadly none of our research told us the 'no detour bit' so we travelled about 90 minutes south to Big Sur only to have to come all way the back up again and join the interstate. Oops. That being said, it was worth it as the section we did is easily one of the most famous and spectacular. It did however mean a lot more driving and interstate which I'm not particularly fond of! Kate was very good at supplying me with regular doses of haribo and oreos as well as doing an excellent job of navigating. She can be my wingman anytime.

    We stopped briefly at Pismo Beach but sadly due to time we didn't really stop anywhere else other than Big Sur but the main thing is we are here and have a full day of 'nothing' planned for tomorrow which I cannot wait for.
    Les mer

  • Dag 19

    Life's a Beach

    17. juli 2017, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    After the long day yesterday we enjoyed a lazy start and ventured out in search of supplies for our upcoming trek. After a fruitful raid on Target we went looking for the The Cheesecake Factory made famous by 'The Big Bang Theory'. Boy were we not disappointed. My only shame was having to take a doggy bag for my main and the cheesecake to go as I was so full. After an oreo cookie shake (never line your stomach with one of these - your Mum is right - it will ruin your dinner!) I had something called Chicken Parmesan (Pizza Style). Essentially this was a breaded chicken in the shape of a pizza base coated in marinara sauce, cheese and angels hair spaghetti. Needless to say I slipped into a bit of a food coma this afternoon. Let's say it was yesterday's drive but we all know The Cheesecake Factory holds most of the blame.

    We took advantage of the beach chairs and towels provided with our Air BnB and camped out on the beach opposite the house for the afternoon. After having a brief snooze to the crashing of the waves and listening to Zero 7, I retreated to the room for a proper nap.

    I ended up having a thoroughly productive evening booking all my Canadian travel which is a big weight off my mind. Just a couple of nights accomodation left. With that, I must bid you all a good Tuesday and see you on the flipside.
    Les mer

  • Dag 20

    La La Land

    18. juli 2017, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    The day began with a geeky location spotting tour for naughties American teen drama 'The OC'. Thankfully both Kate and I were big fans so were equally excited when we found the diner the gang used to hang out in and the corresponding Pier in Redondo Beach.

    From there we headed to Tinseltown to see the infamous Hollywood Boulevard. I had a slight lump in my throat when I glimpsed the Hollywood sign for the first time in the smoggy distance. It's the first time I've seen it for real since I started dreaming about being a big filmmaker. It certainly didn't mean quite the same to me when I was 9 which was the last time I was here.

    It has to be said, Hollywood Boulevard is a dive. It got off to a bad start as one of the first stars I happened across was for Donald (not Duck) and I was a tad outraged. The streets are swarming and generally lined with tacky merchandise and badly dressed up movie characters. However, it had to be done and there was a big change of heart when we reached the TCL Chinese Theatre and saw all the hand and foot prints of stars gone by. That moved me somewhat - especially seeing some of the greats such as Jimmy Stewart and Harold Lloyd.

    We attempted to watch the sunset from Griffith Observatory but it seemed the rest of LA had the same idea so we glumly retreated to our next Air BnB, dropped off the car and got ourselves ready to join our 'Trek America' tour to the Grand Canyon in the morning.

    Looking forward to returning to LA on Saturday night for my self-indulgent studio tours and long awaited trip to Disney. Til then. Sorry for the lack of photos - most of them are on the big camera today!
    Les mer

  • Dag 21

    Who turned up the sun?

    19. juli 2017, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 35 °C

    Apologies for the late 'footprint'. We camped in Lake Havasu last night very much in the wilderness on the Colorado River. It was magical. We swam in the river which was heavenly in the 40° heat! I've never experienced heat like this before. It's so hot and dry it's like standing in an all over body dryer. It's bizarrely not that unpleasant. I struggled more with the heat in the cities.

    The views along our tour guided road trip through California and into Arizona were stunning with the biggest and best views to come today as we arrive at the Grand Canyon.

    The group we're with is small and friendly although Kate and I are the oldest (including the leader!). We decided between us we were going to try as many different oreo flavours as we could. This can only end badly. The adventure got off to an interesting start when we attempted to take an alternative route to a rest stop and found ourselves stuck in the dust. It took the entire group to push the mini bus out. We still think it was probably a thinly disguised bonding exercise!

    I look forward to sharing more photos with you soon.
    Les mer

  • Dag 22

    A Grand Day Out

    20. juli 2017, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    Apologies for these late posts. I hope no one off-facebook was worried! Thankfully, I did have the foresight to warn Mum and Dad that I'd be a little off radar whilst on my mini tour with Trek America. We are now cruising back along the interstate back to LA and I could not have had a more memorable 4 days.

    Following our night at Lake Havasu we set off for the Grand Canyon South Rim. Michael, our tour leader, presented us with bandanas with which we blind folded ourselves with on arrival at the park and he led us in a ' people train' to the edge of the Canyon - positioning each of us along the railing. I will post a separate footprint containing the video of this as I also want to share a whole host of jaw-dropping photographs with you. Needless to say the 'Grand reveal' was nothing short of breathtaking. The video thankfully doesn't pick up my foul language but I believe swear words were uttered.

    After spending some time taking all the obligatory selfies and photographs along the rim, we went to set up camp for the night. There were thunder storms in the area so we were keen to get the tents up before they hit.

    For those of you that are interested our tour guide taught us an interesting acronym for remembering and understanding how the Canyon was formed. This is DUDE which stands for Deposition, Uplifts, Downcutting and Erosion. I look forward to a more comprehensive discussion with Dad on this with his past geology studies!

    Thunder storms evaded and tents erected we returned to the Canyon rim for the most spectacular sunset I will probably ever see. Not only were we watching the sunset (whilst eating pizza I hasten to add - could it get better?) but we were watching the thunder storms across the other side of the Canyon all desperate to capture the spectacular lightning on camera. Thankfully I have a short video which I will also post separately if you'd like to see. It's quite small but you get the idea.

    Needless to say we were all very happy with our day's experience and there was so much more to come tomorrow!
    Les mer

  • Dag 22

    Grand Unveiling

    20. juli 2017, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    The moment our tour guide let us see the Grand Canyon for the first time.

  • Dag 23

    Get Your Kicks on Route 66

    21. juli 2017, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 38 °C

    Today was so full of amazing experiences it's hard to know where to start so let's kept it simple and start at the beginning.

    Our day began at Maverick Helicopters where our tour group of 6 embarked on a 50 minute helicopter ride across the Canyon. This was nothing short of amazing. The moment where we crossed the rim at 50ft above the trees to 5,000 ft above the bottom of the Canyon took my breath away. Our pilot, BJ, was an excellent tour guide and from the outset told us his job was to help us appreciate the sheer scale of this natural phenomenon. To help you, the depth of the Canyon is so deep that it is over 3 times the height of the Manhattan skyline. If you wish to get from one side of the Canyon to the other by car (around the rim) - it will take you over 5 hours. Finally, if you drifted downstream on the current of the Colorado River - it would take you 21 days to get from one side to the other. Seem pretty big?

    After our helicopter flight we headed to Seligman- a quintessential Route 66 town which claims to have inspired 'Radiator Springs' in Disney Pixar's 'Cars'. We enjoyed a great lunch here at Delgadillo's Snow Cap Drive-In where I left an 'Old Flying Club' business card on their wall of cards by the order hatch. It was nice to leave a little piece of home here.

    The trek involves several hours of driving each day and it is therefore only fair that we took it in turns to keep our leader Michael company in the front of the van. Today was my turn. Being up front comes with the added responsibility of being DJ. After running out of suitable playlists Michael introduced me to 'The Moth'. This is a grandslam competition in the US whereby people get up on stage and tell stories. The topics varied - some funny some very sad. After one particularly moving one we realised we were both a little teary eyed. We thought the rest of the van were sleeping but in checking the rear view mirror, a tear streaked Kate peered over the seats like a meerkat saying 'what are you making me listen to?!' Being up front also had the added bonus of being able to take some fun shots out the windscreen. We even crossed the Hoover Dam.

    The heat in Vegas was insane - reportedly 45°! We were surprised to discover that we were staying in a true Vegas hotel - The Golden Nugget. Not only did it contain its own shops and casinos but it contained a shark tank with a water slide that ran through it. Kate and I were sharing a room with not one but two king-size beds. This was quite a treat having come accustomed to sharing beds the past 3 weeks!

    We had take-out in one of the hotel rooms with the rest of the group and the drinking began. We had stocked up at Walmart en route and I had bought 8 mini bottles of Sutter Home's White Zinfandel- one of my favourites and so cheap here! Needless to say we all got a little tipsy rather quickly. By the time we reached the Party Bus at 21.30 we were definitely ready to dance the night away. The bus took us to the infamous sign and down the strip past Bellagio and Caesars Palace. Let me tell you now, dancing on a moving bus is not easy but is very good fun! Our final destination was a nightclub which our group was not particularly interested in entering. We had other ideas on how the remainder of the night was to be spent.

    Two of our group Dee and Kev (who lived in Leicester) had decided it would be fun to have a Vegas wedding. They were already married so this was pretty easy to arrange. Believe it or not to have a Vegas wedding you still need a licence so turning up to the chapel and asking to get married isn't as easy as everyone makes out. Naturally we were all very excited about attending our first wedding in Vegas and despite my inebriated state (5 mini bottles of Sutter Home) I automatically took on the role of wedding photographer. Kate and I ensured Dee had her something old, new, borrowed and blue by lending her two old hair bobbles (one of which was blue) and I found a crisp new dollar bill which we all signed and gave to her as a momento.

    The ceremony was short but very sweet and I was astounded to find the next morning I had a nice selection of photographs for the happy couple to treasure the evening with. I've attached a collage to my post.

    After the wedding we headed back to our hotel for more casino fun. I placed a couple of dollars in various slot machines to no avail. I'd have loved to play roulette but was too tight for the $15 buy in. It had been an expensive day after all what with helicopter flights and such like.

    Tiredness hit me like a wall around 1am. I was feeling my age all of a sudden! I left the group and in true Vegas style got sidetracked on my way back to my room. Initially I wandered into the pool area and found myself sat on the edge with my feet in the water (still wearing my jelly shoes I hasten to add) and watched the sharks in the shark tank whilst Stereophonics 'Have a Nice Day' played through the speakers. Possibly one of the most surreal moments of the trip so far and one I shall always remember.

    The journey back to the room finished with a pit stop in the hotel shop for a giant cookie which I enjoyed in a bubble bath back in the room. Don't ever tell me I don't know how to do Vegas. Whichever way I did it, it was definitely MY way.
    Les mer