Euro Quest

maaliskuuta - toukokuuta 2024
Let the next stage of my life begin! For three months, I'll be wandering through rolling countrysides, sharp cliffs, quaint towns, and bustling city squares all over Europe, sharing as many stories as I can. Here's to making a lifetime of memories! Lue lisää
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  • Päivä 35

    Day Thirty-Five: Berlin

    19. huhtikuuta, Saksa ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

    Today was a great day, a highlight for sure. We had a historical tour of Berlin in the morning, which taught me so many amazing things. Yet the weather was some of the worst I've seen during this trip. Mostly because I was underprepared, I think. It was pouring rain, really hard. My windbreaker has been rain resistant enough for every rain storm I have been in except this one. I was getting decently wet and had only a t-shirt underneath. It was a weird cold because for the first hour, my whole body was itchy and really gross. Luckily, we did stop, and we had a Starbucks (the only coffee shop I could see). That helped a lot, and I was better for the rest. But the actual tour showed us where you can see all the bullet holes in the buildings and all the patch work they had to do. It's so interesting looking at buildings because you can tell the old verse the new. But what's interesting too is that Germany was so confident that they were going to win they took all the statues off the buildings and threw them into the river to protect them from damage. But thank god they did. Another cool story about statues is the one on top of the massive gate. Turns out Napoleon stole the old statue because we loved it. But when they lost the war, Germany took it back. But instead of putting it back, they put up the goddess of victory, looking down where the French embassy is and still is. We also learned and saw that all government buildings are covered in glass to represent how they are trying to be completely transparent. We also stood over Hitler's bunker, where he killed himself. And it was just a parking lot... turns out, and it makes sense, that Germany is really careful when making a museum or literally anything that is Nazi related to not having Neo-Nazis coming there to pray or whatever they do. But I wish the bunker was still intact. Apparently, it was a work of art, 5 levels with 5 feet thick walls. The Russians really wanted it gone, and it took days of constant bombing to finally destroy it. But a couple days before Hitler killed himself, FIND SPELLING was captured and hung up on the street for people to humiliate the body. So when the generals tell Hitler the war is lost and after his little hissy-fit he married his wife walked into the bunker and she took a pill. Hitler wanted the honorable soldiers' death (a bullet), but because of all his health problems (and too many drugs), he was scared he would shake too much and miss. So we took a pill and then shot himself. Then, as he ordered, the generals pulled their body up and burned them so they couldn't be humiliated. All the Russians found when they made it there was a piece of his jaw. Which years later was actually confirmed to be hitler, so no, he is not alive in South America. But it's crazy because Berlin would have looked so different if the allies landed first. The Russians got there first, and their whole plan was to massacre berlin for everything they did. And they did do a lot of damage. We learned so much cool stuff, and I haven't even started about the Berlin wall. It was put up literally overnight, stopping people from visiting family or going to work. It was done because half the city was occupied by the allies, and the other was the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union was pissed at Germany, so they took resources out of Berlin while the allies helped create a pretty strong economy. The Soviet side (east side) was not the same, so they would work there, and everyone would travel across the east side to get citizenship in Western germany. The Soviet clearly didn't want this, so they created the wall where no Eastern citizen could leave. On top of that, everything had to be made domestically. There were shortages for everything. For example, there was only one type of car in east Berlin. And to get this car, there was a 18 year wait list for one. Parents would apply in hopes their kid would get one when they could finally drive. They were so short on material that they actually started building the body with organic material. So there is a photo of a dog eating the car! Near the end, people started rioting and causing more problems while the Soviet Union stopped helping and watching their satellite states as much. So, to deal with everyone, they decided to start very short visas that Eastern citizens can use once a year but can be rejected whenever the government wants to. It's not a great deal. When they did an international broadcast to announce the plan, the spokesperson was only given notes written on cards, and he wasn't properly debriefed. So when the question came to when this plan started, he looked through his notes and read the date on the top (the day of the speech) instead of the 2 weeks it was suppose to be. So then everyone rushed to the gates to get through. At one of them, the guy running the checkpoint had tough decisions to make since he couldn't get through to command. Wait and hope it's OK, open the gate to let them through, or gun down way to many civilians. They were pushing, and something bad was bound to happen. So he made the call to save lives and opened the gate, which started the fast demise of Eastern Germany. We also had a stop at a monument for all the Jewish people who died during the war; the one with all the concrete pillars. It was cool walking through it as it felt like a massive and left you feeling lost and small in a way. They also mentioned how when you create a monument for one group, you kind of have to for all the other groups affected. So berlin really had to become a momument city. Afterward, We made a quick stop at a lunch place for some food and a warm drink, I had a loaded potato and a cappuccino with some form of liquor in it. Was different but really good. Then we went back and reset for a party night with Amanda! We ended up going to Kater Blau, a nice techno bar. I would love to show you but cameras are not allowed in these places! At the time, I was so annoyed, but looking back, I think it was for the best. The more you take photos, the less present you are. Everyone is just looking at the experience through their phones and not truly enjoying the vibes. And man, did I enjoy the vibes. There were two dance floors with smoke machines, Lasers, and tons of people dance to techno. It was crazy because the smoke would start, and I honestly couldn't see Ethan right beside me to then have the strobe light make everything feel like a slideshow. I also now understand why everyone does the Berlin techno dance with a straight face... it's because everyone is high as a kite. It actually looks so funny, but it was such a great night that we didn't get back to the hostel till like 6:30 after eating some famous berlin döner of course. It was alright, ahahah. It was a rough morning because it was way too late, or I guess early, to sleep so we packed up and tried to stay up. Ethan couldn't make it as he passed out on the couch, so I just woke him up when we had to leave.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 34

    Day Thirty-Four: Off to Berlin

    18. huhtikuuta, Saksa ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

    As I sit on my plane 20 days after this. Makes me realize how much you do forget! But really, I do remember not too much happened this day. We drove up from Prague, hungover once again, and had a short stop in Dresden. I even had two dates, as you can see. The WWII story behind Dresden is super sad. It was an important transport center for the Nazis so churchhill bombed them. But what they did was do a couple of warning bombs away from populated areas so people can take shelter; in Dresden, that would mostly be the protestant church. Then church continued to go and bomb the shit out of the church and kill everyone inside... completely innocent people. It's really hard to slowly learn about the horrible things the allies did that we just don't hear about. I did have a chance to take a quick look, and it was beautiful while looking different from Catholic churches. We had a coffee and a nice bathroom break. I feel bad for whoever had to follow me and ethan into that bathroom. After we didn't have a lot of time so we ran and shoved our faces and made a pizza burrito. When we arrived in Berlin, Bec gave us a short bus tour explaining the area and some of the buildings. Even with a short stop at the part of the Berlin wall with all the artwork. And no, Nick and I are not actually kissing. It was nice too because Nick and I wanted to have a chill one on one chat about our life's and other stuff. For the first time on the trip, we had a chance to actually go off and get time apart from everyone! We went to a very authentic German bar where they had a traditional German band playing too! We even got a beer stein that was like a 1.5 liters of beer... unfortunately it was not very quiet so not the best place but we made it work. Some of the ladies were having a self care night and bought a whole bunch of face masks, and I was invited. Ethan was so out of it. I'm pretty sure he went to bed at 8. The face masks were fun, but the problem was that it won't stick to my lower face due to my beard. It was still a fun night, just chilling and chatting with everyone.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 33

    Day Thirty-Three: Prague

    17. huhtikuuta, Tšekin tasavalta ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

    I believe Prague is up there for one of my favorite cities. And today is up there for one of the best days on the trip, for sure. We started the day a free little walking tour to the castle district. Fun fact that I learned after we left is that this castle is the second biggest in all of Europe. But the tour was going to continue outside of the castle district, but I was so amazed by it that I convinced a couple of other people to stay with me and explore. So we bought a ticket for some of the highlights and went. A lot of people have gotten their fill of churches, but they still blow my mind. This one was my first one that had a lot of stained glass. And fuck me it is so beautiful see all the beautiful colors coming through. This church was full of this crazy tombs of all the bishops of the church and even contained the second ever bishop dating back to the 500s. Afterward we went to the palace which was a little disappointing, there wasn't really anything in there and it was so full. We did get to see the throne and the crown jewels, which was cool. On our way down to meet the group, the other people stopped for a treat, and I saw vendor had bowls of fruit for sale, and by God, it has been the best purchase I have made so far. It was so ripe and delicious, much needed fruit since I haven't had any since traveling. We met back up with everyone and went to this BBQ place, and we were all convinced to buy pork knuckles, which was hella expensive. As you can see, it was very much worth. It was so delicious and one of my favorite meals. I have also gained a taste for Hugo spritz since Italy, a fantastic drink. For the evening, we did a hidden Prague tour with the total gem of a tour guide named Bruno. This was the best tour we have done. It started with us getting to try some Czech liquor, 2 shots. And of course, I grabbed the stronger one first, I was not ready for how gross it was. It did come back up just a little bit. The other one was very good, though. I believe the percentage was 40 and 35 respectively. So, it was a great way to start the tour. Then we went to this beautiful park just hidden up some random street. And you could even hear peacocks in the distance, too! And when we went to see them, one even pulled his feathers up! They were looking a little sad, though. We also saw these random signs on the wall with just a straight line and a year. One was like 4 meters up, and it turns out it was the high that water got too during some of the major floods that happened. Happened a lot, apparently... we walked a little to a classic pub and learned that all the classic pubs are underground because Pilsner needed to be stored at 15 degrees. And beer doesn't have a listed percentage but is listed as steps. So a normal beer is 14 steps. This indicates how many steps underground it is stored since it affected percentage. But I also learned that Pilsner beer originates from Prague, and the recipe has not changed since 1842. On top of all this me and Ethan learned our new favorite way to cheers! We had a lot of fun at this pub. Our tour guide was a total gem since I was called Buffalo on my first pint, so I had to chug it, and Bruno gave me another one! And then when other people were first and he was getting another round he got me another one! So I had 3 beers for free... after the tour, we found out the other tour guide only gave one drink to the group, so we really got the cool guy! Then we walked across one of the old bridges full of statues and got to try the trdelník dessert, which is just like a chimney cake. You can put like ice cream and stiff in them but the place stayed open for us because we were late. But for that reason, everyone got their own! Then we went to this bar where you could only pay with the card they give you, so you would have to fill the card with cash. And to top it off, you can only leave the bar if you give them the card back. But this bar was a lot of fun. There were multiple rooms, and we got to meet another contiki group there as well. They were awesome. Turns out that when you cheers you need to make eye contact, or else you get 7 years of bad sex; so I'm screwed. But at this point, I was pretty drunk, so I slowed down a lot and was just having a good time. We went to the dance floor and I was teaching some of the girls how to dance, it was so much fun! Then Bec came over and randomly just came over and told me to be careful and that I was going to throw up? Like I was teaching people to dance and I didn't have a drink at the time. But that's OK, we just had some fun and went to a five story club afterward. Everyone was saying how all 5 stories were open to get there, pay 20 euros to get in, and only see two of the levels open... but it was still fun with the gang just dancing and playing around. At one point, one of the ladies was running to the dance floor and just fell straight on her face. She was ok, but it was pretty funny to watch. It was a blast of a day made better by the fact I was feeling a little better too.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 32

    Day Thirty-Two: Mauthausen & Prague

    16. huhtikuuta, Itävalta ⋅ 🌬 6 °C

    Today was supposed to be the eagles nest but unfortunately, they extended the winter season, meaning it was closed because they were still renovating it. But we still did something that was very memorable, Mauthausen concentration camp. Even writing about it after the fact has me feeling weird. I have always wanted to go to a concentration camp to see the history because it's so interesting. But actually, being there is a totally different experience. It was actually really emotional, I actually almost cried; it's just so fucked up being in such a recent piece of history where people were treated like animals. This camp was a level 3 camp , so the dead rate was worse than Awswitz. We also had the free audio tour where we learned more, and it's just so fucked up. In the museum, where they showed artifacts and history surrounding the camp, they even showed all the people who ran the camp. You can not just look at these people and be pissed; yet at the same time, they had wifes and kids listed. How could you have a child and do the things they did... how can you devalue human life so much. And walking through and seeing the gas chamber just left me speakless. I just looked over to Ethan silently and saw he also had tears welling in his eyes. The people who were killed in these rooms were the sick, women, and children, and they didn't even know it. To keep the children calm, the adults would say it was a shower room because they looked so similar. You could see scratches on the walls too when they finally realized. Seeing all the incinerators were just as bad thinking about the probably 100 plus people they burnt every day. We even walked through this random hallway and read this board that talked about how some of the sick were hung and that they were hung right where we were standing... when we got back to the bus, it was dead quiet. And we had some silent time just to think and what we just experienced. It will be something that is ingrained in my memory for sure. But on the way to Prague afterward, we had a nice little rest of a double rainbow. When we got to Prague, I was so tired, and I was in bed at like 7. It was a long day, and I was still hungover.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 31

    Day Thirty-One: Salzburg

    15. huhtikuuta, Itävalta ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    This was the end of our Italian journey and the start of a lot of driving... but surprisingly, I loved Italy, and honestly, I might go back. I know some areas we didn't get to go, which I would love to! But this is a very exciting trek as well, a very beautiful drive. Unfortunately, I was asleep for a lot of it... but it was beautiful from what I saw. Even living in alberta and seeing them at home something is so magical about mountains, and these ones were spectacular. When we hit Salzburg, it was pouring rain and cloudy. And of course, I booked the walking tour... during the tour, I learned that my windbreaker is only water resistant as the rain was finally hard enough to soak through. But the tour was called the sound of music tour because it was filmed in Salzburg but the guide barely talked about it. Turns out everyone in Salzburg hates the sound of music. We actually learned a lot of cool history about the city and how small it really is. Turns out it was a very clean/disease free city back in the day because the archbishop would flood the city every Sunday to clean it. I saw where Mozart was born and that his sister was just as good and performed/traveled with him. And he was on a lot of drugs and opioides (meth) to get through. So when he was on the road for 17 years high on all sorts of drugs, it makes sense we wrote like over 700 songs. We also went to a palace built by an archbishop for his "girlfriend" and 10 plus kids. He would even send letters to the pope, his uncle begging to let him marry her. Which, for obvious reasons, can't happen. So he just lived with her and made a shit ton of kids. But the palace was amazing. He was obsessed with symmetry, so everything was perfectly symmetrical. They even built the garden with the castle on the hill perfect in the middle of the background. Also, it turns out every archbishop that came into power would build a bigger and grander church and palace to show how powerful he is and one up the guy from before. So Salzburg has around 45 churches in one of the smallest cities I have been to so far. The white one after Mozart house is actually the university chapel, and the university beside it is the most basic building ever. You can kinda see it above the umbrella. After the tour, it stopped raining, of course... I walked back with Nick and had this Austrian hotdog that was only here, and I didn't know what it was, but it was the best hotdog I have ever eaten. We even got a pretzel, but it was a sweet one with Nutella, which was disappointing because it was salty or a pretzel at all, just a pastry. Me and Nick were going to have a nice heart to heart, and then this random dude in our group just walked up and joined us. He is always around.. but then we went back to the hostel, and I met up with ethan and another guy who didn't do the tour and gave them the tour myself. I would make a good tour guide. We also went to one of the oldest currently maintained and used graveyard. And it was so strange seeing graves from 2023 and the 1500s. As well as weird chapels built into the rock wall. As we walked around, the church bells were going too, and it was very spooky, and I was waiting for something to happen. Total vibe. Then it was a simple dinner and back to the hostel, Ethan went out to party, but Nick was chilling with a group of the gang, so I decided to stay with them. And I got to steal a whole bunch of the schnapps from them, the coffee was very good. After we got a little drunk, Nick and I climbed this latter that was on the wall, which was hilarious and totally would have gotten us kicked out, but when I got to the top, there was just 12 bottles of wine sitting there... and one was unopened, so you know what I had to do... take it. Then we went back and hung out and met up with ethan for a while, too. Good day, for sure.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 30

    Day Thirty: Venice

    14. huhtikuuta, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    Today was the classic Venice experience starting with some Gondola. We almost didn't do that because we both thought it was a cable car... I'm glad we did because now I can say I have! We also had to take specific photos around venice for a little competition, which was a total blast! I do love the romance one, ahaha. We had some spirtz as well, and we played a game called Buffalo where if you don't drink with your non dominant hand, you have to finish your drink. Our buddy called me on it twice in a row... I had a good time here as it was very beautiful but we were stuck there for 8 hours... I ran out of stuff to do very quickly, and I was bored out of my mind while feeling like ass. Turns out it was also allergies because I took a pill right before we left, and I felt way better. Wish I took it sooner...Lue lisää

  • Päivä 29

    Day Twenty-Nine: Verona & Venice

    13. huhtikuuta, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    Today, we headed off to Venice and made a stop, Verona. Luckily enough, I wasn't too hungover! I was very tired, of course, so I had a good nap on the way up. It was a sad day because we left 14 people behind in Rome because their trip finished. But we got 4 new friends. 2 of them came together and totally gave the vibes they were dating, but turned out they were exes. Very strange, she even paid for the trip with the idea he would pay her back. In Verona, we watched a Palestine protest and walked around and saw juilet's balcony. Apparently, it is good luck to rub her boob but it was so busy we decided against it. We just got some food, a nice risotto, and some drinks. When we finally got to venice, it was late, so we just put our stuff down and chilled at the hostel bar. Apparently, the area we were in was crazy sketch. Wasn't a crazy night for me, so I just went to bed early ish.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 28

    Day Twenty-Eight: Vatican City & Rome

    12. huhtikuuta, Vatikaanivaltio ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    It's my birthday!! And it was a great way to spend it. But it is super weird not having your family there with you. You think it would be extra special because you get to see all these crazy things, but really, that has been my normal for the past month ahah. It was still a great day walking and seeing the oldest craziest stuff wherever we went. And the sistine chapel was so beautiful... it is so peaceful, and you just get lost in the art. And I got to finish it with a great party too. It was a shit shirt party, and some of us decided to wear dresses. It's totally worth it. I've got more compliments than I normally do. Some random guy just walked up to me and said he wished I he had my confidence. I killed it in beer pong too!Lue lisää

  • Päivä 27

    Day Twenty-Seven: Pompeii & Rome

    11. huhtikuuta, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    Honestly, I am writing this post on the 18th of April... I have been having a blast, but it has been a long drag of getting over a sickness, moving so much, and staying up late. I'm not sure how the others do it. They are partying so much more than me! But for the next while the summaries are going to be a lot shorter. And I'm not a writer, so this all feels like flashbacks to uni ahah. It has been bumming me out. I don't have the posts up, so I'm going to comprise with smaller posts.

    To was a lot, and if I wasn't shortening it, this would be a novel. Today, we say Pompeii, the Roman forum, and the colosseum! Honestly, one of the days I was most excited for, and it did live up to the expectations. Firstly, it was weird how Pompeii was just in the middle of a city, I thought it was going to be in the middle of nowhere. But it was a surreal experience walking around something so old and lively back in the day. It was fun just imagining what it would have been like and looked like. Turns out it would have been a very colorful city that had 23 brothels, hahaha. With actually dicks as directions. Our tour guide called them GPS penis. Some of the houses were huge and weirdly shaped for sure. I couldn't imagine living in them. Our tour guide even gave us a longer tour, which was fun. And the volcano actually looks like have of it is missing! I have more fun facts, but I did write some of them down, which is good. Afterward, I had some good soup to help with the hangover, and we were off to Rome. Right when we got there, we had a coffee and went on our Roman Forum and Colosuem tour. I wasn't ready for the forum, but it was actually so cool, holding stuff from before 80 B.C. and even got to see where Julius Cesaer Dead Body was placed and then cremated! And the area where the emperor's house would be, on top of the hill, looking down of everyone. Then, the Colosseum, which I learned, was built 200 years ago and took only 8 years to build. As well as the fact every arch had a statue, so 160 statues since there were 80 archs per level. And it felt way bigger than I was ready for, probably because I saw the small version first. It was very beautiful and fun to just picture what it was like and see photos of what it was. Crazy point is that even at one time, a French family made it into their castle! But then we had an included dinner and went off to bed!
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  • Päivä 26

    Day Twenty-Six: Capri Island

    10. huhtikuuta, Italia ⋅ 🌬 15 °C

    Today was a great day! And it started nice with the fact we didn't have to be on the couch at all. We start with an actually amazing hostel breakfast. It had Sunnyside up eggs and sausage!! I would talk about how the other places breakfast have been shit but we honestly haven't been eating them because we have to run to the couch ahaha. Then we took a ferry out to Capri Island. And holy, it was a rough ride. Today was not the nicest of weather, and the water was pretty rough. On the way there were a lot of sick people, that's for sure. There were also people like an old guy to our left who was having the time of his life. He would jump up to ride all the waves. So we decided to do the same; of course, the one wave we did was the biggest one, and it slammed us on our ass. It hurt way more than I was ready for ahah. Unfortunately, on the way to the island, Bec let us know that our boat tour around the island was canceled because of the weather... I wanted to go swimming!! So we simply started our island adventure with a nice cappuccino and decided to bring along 5 other people for a hit around the top of the island. The hike I found on alltrails only had a 150m altitude gain, so everyone agreed to it without realizing that the hike started at the top already. So we had to walk up lots of stairs and narrow alleyways. Some of them really did not like that😂 the hike did get to start with a nice viewpoint, which was a relaxing break before the hike for everyone. It was super cool walking around because the trail was just way up on the cliffside of the island. We kept seeing geckos, and Ethan would always try to catch them, but they were just way too fast. Then, after way too many stairs, even I was tired, but we had some out of shape people with us, and it destroyed them ahah. We found this random cave, was crazy big or anything, but it was a nice surprise. Then, after MORE STAIRS, we finally reached the natural arch. Which was beautiful, but really, it is just a big rock. I think it's everything around it that made it so nice. There was even a tall rock off to the side that Ethan and I climbed, great view from there. And we got to do the titanic pose! There was this bar right on the path, too, and we wanted a drink so bad, but it was closed... so we finished the hike and had an expensive lunch of a delicious carbonara and white wine. It had a beautiful view but it was so windy! And of course, on the walk back, my nose and cough got worse. But we took the ferry back, almost didn't make it since the ferry docked in a port different than the ticket, but we all got back safe and sound for a dinner in the town. I got a pizza and split a bottle of wine with the fellas. I couldn't even finish the pizza, but it felt very authentic. We didn't really know how little time we had and could get our bill in time, so we missed the bus back. But we didn't really care. It was only a 45-minute walk, and it's supposed to be an experience. On the way, we even decided to get 4 bottles of wine, a bottle for each of us. Because that's a great idea, right? We even finished them all by the time we got to the hostel... you could say I was out of it. We tried to play some games outside with the group, but I just could not get it. So, after having a cigar with one of my new buddies, I went upstairs to pass out. Great night, I just don't remember all of it.Lue lisää