  • 日109

    Killarumiyoc - The Temple of the Moon

    2022年4月16日, ペルー ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    It is full moon today - and we visited "Killarumiyoc" - the Temple of the Moon and held another sacred Ayni ceremony there. It was magical 🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘

    The day had started with cool temperatures and clouds. While many participants of the retreat held ceremony in Machu Picchu today, I chose to go to Killarumiyoc - the moon stands for the femine principle and I felt called to connect with the moon, with Pachamama, and with my own sacred femininity.

    On the bus, I sat next to Chris, a wonderful man from the US. We immediately immersed into a deep conversation - exactly the way I like it. No small-talk, but deep-dive. It turned out we are medicine for each other. By being present and listening to the other, we created a space of deep trust. This in itself is medicine. While Chris helped me understand something more profoundly, he experienced healing by something I said and by holding the space.

    We arrived at the parking place and started the ascent to the temple. By then, the sun had come through the clouds and bathed the landscape in soft and stunningly beautiful colors.

    The symbol for the moon is carved into a big rock. I was in awe. We took some time and prayed there. We used coca leaves to give all our gratitude and dearest wishes into them and placed them on the rock near the moon carving.

    Then we climbed the hill some more and arrived at a square where the Q'eros had already set it their mesas (altars). We celebrated another Ayni ceremony with the intention of healing the Sacred Feminine, and in addition, each of us gave his personal prayers into the despacho (offering).

    I received a lot of healing in this ceremony and I connected with the power of the Sacred Feminie - and I felt it for the first time in all its power and beauty. For a change (yes!!) there was no pain, no trauma, no being burned at the stake, no violence. I connected to the enormously strong, bright, fully healed and super powerful energy of the Sacred Feminine.

    Silver moonlight flowed through me, entering the crown chakra, moving down through the third eye, through the throat chakra (I have found my voice and I am finally expressing MY truth) into my heart, swirling around, moving deeper into the solar plexus, the navel chakra and the root chakra. And then, it mixed with the red root energy of Mother Earth and moved in a spiral inside of my womb where it stayed.
    I received pure healing energy from Grandmother Moon. This is ground-breaking for me as a women and for as a midwife.

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
