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  • Day 14

    Cairns to the Lions Den

    August 14, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    Up and moving this morning, fueled up the car and our tums, then off towards Daintree village. The road was absolutely stunning, again reminding us of Hawaii as we had rainforest on the left and the ocean on the right. Less than 2 hours and we got to the start of the CREB track, about an 80km 4wd track. We watched a Hema tag along group tackle the first river crossing, before we went across and overtook them. The track was surprisingly easy considering the stories we've heard, but no doubt even a bit of rain would make a real mess of it. We stopped after the 'hard' part of the track, roughly 2 hours, and made ham and cheese wraps, then back on the trail. It was easier again from there, gravel at points and much less slippery. The winch is so far, unused. Towards the back end, even I did a river crossing! It was good fun and such a pretty track as a whole. We headed for the Lions den pub where were staying for the night. It had a good feel to it. We had dinner, a few drinks and listened to the live music before heading to our campsite for a few downloaded episodes on netflix and bed.Read more