  • Hari 26

    I've had better days

    6 September 2017, England ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Worst day so far.. got up early to to cover as much the distance that I could. Got a flat tire which held me ipfor at least an hour .the trip through the Cotswolds was non eventful however not very exciting. By then a headache ihas developed. trying to get through bath turned into a total disaster. Because of my OCD I had to get tijhe light off that tells you you have a flat tyre on your car. ended up going to an audi dealer who helped. Feeling a bit better also I get some fish and chips and post my other coat back. When to withdraw £200 to the f****** machine ate my money money and now I've got to fill out a form of my 8 weeks to get it back . Now I'm at Stonehenge put on a bus taken within 50 metres of the metres of the obelisk was in the right mood for that pity might never get here again. Now I have to deal with London traffic god help me f******.Baca lagi