Lilaによる短期の素晴らしいアドベンチャー もっと詳しく
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    Nueva Gorgona, Playa Serena Resort

    2016年10月24日, パナマ ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

    Exciting day today....went to Panama City, shuffled back and forth between one industrial manufacturing building and another trying to get custom made rain gutters and flashing trim! The other highlight of the day was going to the garage door suppliers office to argue about how much we should be paying for the horrible job the installers did that took them 3 days! Once back in Gorgona, we went to the house and see that the casita has been finish and was primed today. Now we can order the windows and doors and all the rest will fall into place soon as we get some money which we have completely run out of! The condo is still not sold so we are now officially BROKE (in USDs that is). We have a nice new road upgrade going on in front of our place - the pot holes were getting so big you couldn't walk along the road anymore because they are/were full of water! Had an awesome evening with friends last night - excellent company and a great meal. The couples are from Summerland (1), North Carolina and Peterborough, Ont. It was very nice.もっと詳しく