
June 2023
A one week retreat for female small business owners! Read more
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  • 74kilometers
  • Travel- Days 1/2

    June 15, 2023 in Indonesia ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

    I left home at 5:30am EST on Thur and arrived at my hotel in Bali at 1pm EST on Friday! The time change is exactly 12 hours ahead so I did my best to sleep the first half of the trip and stay awake the final flight so I would be sleepy enough to go to bed when I arrived. Mission accomplished! I went from NC to NYC (easy 1 hour flight), NYC to Qatar (longgg 13 hour flight) and then Qatar to Bali (another 10 hour flight). The airport in Qatar was absolutely stunning! The flight attendants on Qatar Airways were lovely and we were well fed the whole way. To keep myself awake I binged “The Last of Us” and loved every second! Also got in a bit of “Marvelous Mrs. Maisel”, the perfect mix 😂

    Upon arrival, every person I met from the customs workers to the help desk were incredibly kind and welcoming. I took a 1 hour taxi ride to my hotel with a kind driver named Muri who taught me all about the languages, food, and best places to see. I arrived safely at the hotel where I was lucky to share a room with one of our coordinators before we transfer to our home for the week in the morning. A hot shower has never felt so good! Off to bed :)
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  • Day 2

    Day 3- First Full Day!

    June 17, 2023 in Indonesia ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    My first day waking up in Bali!! It honestly feels so surreal to be here. I started the day with a delicious breakfast delivered to our “front porch”. I was beyond grateful to my business coach (Em) and her teammate (Jessi) whom I adore for allowing me to stay at the hotel with them since I came in a night early to fully adjust! It was such a special treat to start the trip out with breakfast with the two of them and arrive at our home for the week together!

    We arrived to Sol Shine and it’s honestly the most beautiful place I have ever stayed! Since the retreat was a part of our business coaching program, the entire trip was prearranged for us so despite being a mega planner, I truly had no idea what to expect… at all! We enjoyed a welcome juice (and flower!), toured the property, met the staff, ate lunch by the pool and took a quick dip before our kick off dinner. After 2 months of meeting with these incredible women via Zoom, it felt surreal to finally be around a dinner table together. They are each wildly successful in their various businesses and it’s moving to hear what they have learned, what challenges they are facing and what their dreams for the business are.
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  • Day 3

    Day 4- Rice Planting, Cooking & Dancing!

    June 18, 2023 in Indonesia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    Our first full day of the retreat and boy did we kick off with a bang!! I woke up at 6am (thank you, time change!) and watched the sunrise by myself over a cup of coffee, what a start to the day! We then had a yoga session with a local instructor that was very grounding and felt amazing after so much time on an airplane. We had a delicious breakfast buffet and then our first official session! Our coach Emily does a beautiful job of incorporating mental health and spirituality in so we started with some individual journaling to get our heads in the right space. It felt freeing to release stressors, concerns and thoughts that I haven’t created space for in the craziness of my day-to-day life.

    Next we got to tour the rice fields and gardens to learn about the process of growing rice! We got our hands (and feet) dirty getting to experience planting the rice ourselves. We cooled down with some fresh coconuts!

    After that we got to enjoy a Balinese cooking classes! We “made” multiple dishes and although I am not a big cook, I really enjoyed it. My favorites were a tuna canapé and chicken satay! Whenever we weren’t actively cooking, it was wonderful to get to hear the stories of the different women and all about the businesses they have grown!

    We got a short break to cool down in the pool and refresh before our final 2 events of the day! One was our next business coaching session where Em taught us hugely impactful tools. One was the Hedgehog, an exercise to evaluate if your business is in line with your mission, your unique talents and economic engines. The next was the flywheel which helps to identify what propels your company forward and how to better evaluate where your focus should be as well as where bottlenecks exist. As they say, it’s hard to work ON the business when you spend all your time IN the business and that’s exactly why see are here. Having time to step back and look at the big picture is refreshing and already helping me to identify next steps.

    We ended the day with a tour of a Balinese compound, an authentic Balinese meal and dance performances. Wouldn’t you know I was first to get pulled on stage 😂 The dancer said “just follow me!” which was far more complex than it looked lol!

    The day ended getting to dig deep with my phenomenal roomie Jenn on next steps for our businesses, our fears and our dreams. Having trouble winding down after such an amazing day. ❤️
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  • Day 4

    Day 5 (Mon)- Class & Waterfalls

    June 19, 2023 in Indonesia ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    After our back-to-back day yesterday, we had a more relaxing day today! I woke up at 5am and couldn’t go back to sleep because my brain was excited to process what we learned in our coaching session yesterday. My roommate Jenn and I decided to go sit on the top floor where there is a daybed and watch the sunrise as we did our “homework”. It was the perfect way to start the day.

    At 8am we had a delicious breakfast buffet and I got to have a one-on-one session with Em (my business coach) to process my “flywheel”. The flywheel is a tool for understanding your sales generation, identifying what’s pushes the business forward and where the bottlenecks are. It was so helpful to share with her my thoughts and hear her feedback. We then got to listen to her coach other team members through it- one who is a boutique owner and another who is a bookkeeper. It’s really interesting learning from people in very different businesses than my own, yet we still share so much in common.

    Then we headed out for our excursion- a gorgeous waterfall! It was freezing cold but we all just went for it. We had a blast swimming and documenting 😂 It’s a very joyful group of women who love to cheer one another on and laugh, a LOT!

    We headed back to the resort and got an hour of pool time (see the water slide video) and then enjoyed a delicious lunch. We are eating so healthfully here- mostly vegetarian!

    Included in our program was a massage at the spa, we are being spoiled rotten! It was a 90 min deep tissue with a tiny woman named Mini yet despite her size, it was one of the best deep tissue massages of my life! Did I book another one for Friday because they are so darn affordable… why yes I did 😂🙏🏽 Although normally during a massage I enjoy turning my brain completely off, all sorts of business ideas were flowing from my one-on-one this morning and I left excited to write it all down. I headed to the lounge furniture by the pool to document and enjoy the sunset before dinner. I ordered a chai latte for the extra boost I needed! We ended the day with another phenomenal meal (and a fruity mocktail) and encouraging conversation around the dinner table.
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  • Day 5

    Day 6 (Tues)- Bike Ride!

    June 20, 2023 in Indonesia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    I have to start adding the days of the week because every day really runs together, especially with us being 12 hours ahead here! The Sun over here is HOT so I have been a little bit more tired and slow moving, hence the post delays. But thankfully water, mocktails and the pool are helping me stay cool 😂

    Waking up early has been a really enjoyable practice, especially since the mornings are so cool! Jen (my roommate turned bestie) and I got up around 6:30am and made our way to the outdoor dining area to continue through our business homework. Some other friends joined as well and it turned in to some really moving conversations (as it always seems to) about things these women have overcome from infertility to infant loss as well as general conversation of what they have learned about being a mom and a small business owner. We also have conversations around the day to day struggles of running a business, our fears, our hopes and our new business ideas! I shared one of my future small business dreams with 2 of them who are actually able to help me take some first steps to make my dream a reality!! That’s the beauty of being in a mastermind with people in different industries and with different skill sets than my own.

    Over breakfast, we had the retreat coordinator Agung teach us more about Balinese culture. It was fascinating to learn about everything from religion to family to housing to societal norms. The majority of the population is Hindu so seeing the way they perform regular rituals honoring their connection with the spirit, one another and nature is quite moving.

    After breakfast we headed out for our excursion of the day- a 3 hour bike ride through the countryside and small towns of Bali! I’m not going to lie, it was quite intense 😂 It was mostly downhill which was nice because we didn’t have to pedal too much in the strong heat. Buttt that meant holding on to the breaks for dear life while navigating pot holes, motorcycles, trucks, stray animals and uneven/unpaved paths. Thankfully we all have great attitudes and laughed our way through it but my wrists and butt will take a while to fully recover lol. It was BEAUTIFUL though and a lovely way to see the towns up close, tour a multi-generational family compound (the way majority of the people here live), enjoy some local desserts and even see a science center where they are working to bring fireflies back (the population is almost extinct here). Fireflies have special meaning for them- representing their ancestors and a guiding light. It was quite interesting to learn all about fireflies, their breeding process and see each stage of their growth up close. I will never take our NC fireflies for granted ever again!

    After the bike tour, we had lunch at a beautiful restaurant in town and headed back to the resort for a much needed cool down in the pool. Everyone headed back to their rooms to get dressed for dinner but I stayed out a few final moments. I didn’t know but my friend Kelsey snapped the photo of me “with the resort to myself” ❤️
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  • Day 6

    Day 7 (Wed)- Market

    June 21, 2023 in Indonesia ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

    Sorry I got so behind! Things got a wee bit crazy. Unfortunately, half of the group came down with food poisoning from our “cultural dinner” that we ate in the community instead of at the resort. Sadly, our fearless leader Em got it BAD and so we shifted to a bit more activities, free time and individual work time instead of our group classes for a bit. I’m thankful I was cautious at that meal and barely ate so I didn’t get sick at all 🙏🏽

    But Wednesday, we started with yoga, had a short lesson before she got sick and then headed off on our excursion to the local markets! Many of our group members own stores/boutiques or are product designers so this was especially exciting for them. I loved seeing what they noticed (such as the way the jewelry was displayed) that was very different from what I naturally notice as a consumer. It’s been exciting to learn the inner workings of so many industries different from my own. A highlight for me was helping people to negotiate, my Puerto Rican side really came out 😂 Although I want to ensure the artisans are being paid fairly for their work, I was also very aware that they up charge an insane amount for Americans so did my best to get the prices to a fair place for both. Apologies I am not coming home with gifts for all as I had NO extra room in my suitcase. We ended our excursion with some delicious gelato.

    Once we got back, I was feeling a bit warm and paranoid about the food poisoning so opted to eat pizza in my air conditioned room and rest in bed a bit while hydrating. We took a dip in the pool and then had a free evening for individual work time and building deeper connections with one another. We went to bed early because our alarms were set for 3am…
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  • Day 7

    D8 (Thur)- Sunrise Jeep Tour & A Dream

    June 22, 2023 in Indonesia ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

    On our original schedule, we planned to wake up at 2am to drive to a volcano about 1.5 hours away and hike up it to be at the top by sunrise and enjoy breakfast with a view! As you can imagine, with half of our group with food poising, this was no longer the best choice. So we opted to do the simpler option and wake up at 3am and take a jeep up the mountain 😂

    I brought my pillow in the taxi and laid across the back seat while I listened to my hysterical friend Kelsey tell life stories, she’s a phenomenal story teller and they were even funnier at 4am! We got to the base of the mountain where we should have switched into our jeeps. But unfortunately, one of the had broken down on the side of the road and we didn’t have enough to get us all up. In solidarity, we decided to wait and made the best of it. Thankfully, I had my “Auntie Aneesa snack bag” as I like to call it. Filled with fruit snacks, cheese its, bars and chips that helped us pass the time. One of our team members has lived in Malaysia so she was not only able to communicate with our drivers but also explain to us the cultural nuances which was fascinating. People are extra sensitive to being shamed so she had to carefully navigate the conversation in a way that didn’t make it seem like she was angry at them but instead motivated them to want to help us problem solve collectively. She described that there are 2 words for “we”- one that means us (in this case, our group) vs you (the drivers). But there is another word for “we” that truly means ALL. Using the ladder, she kindly asked “what can WE do to solve this issue as we would hate to miss this beautiful sunrise that we ALL woke up early for!” They hopped to making calls and she explained that because of the guilt of messing up, they would go above and beyond to give us the best experience possible. She said “just watch, they will work a miracle”. And that they did :)

    The jeeps arrived and we *booked* it up the mountain. We were laughing hysterically, feeling like we were in Jurassic Park, bouncing with our butts still sore from the bike ride, holding on for dear life 😂 We made it in time and the driver Amy had been speaking with told those of us who were up for a hike to follow him. We could already see a sliver of the sun so we were booking it. We start hiking the steep mountain, I was in my Target flip flops because I assumed the hike was off lol. The lava rocks and sand were incredibly difficult to move through in flip flops, but I was determined to make it to the best view! Our drive grabbed a bench from a little food hut on the side of the mountain, put it on his head, and kept hiking. There were hundreds of people who had taken this jeep tour, but he was determined to ensure we had the best seat in the house. He made it to the tippy top, higher than anyone else and placed the bench for us on the side of the mountain. At that moment, the Sun started bursting through the clouds and he told us it was one of the best sunrises he has ever seen here because often it’s cloudy. Tears are filling my eyes now even reliving it because it was simply magical. Who gets to sit on a bench, on a side of a volcano, watching the sunrise in Bali?! I felt so fortunate and so in awe of the beauty of the country and kindness of the people.

    We made our way back down the mountain, my friend Faith holding my hand as it literally felt like we were ice skating down the sand was so slippery. We hopped back in our Jeeps and made our way to our next step, the hot springs! We got to relax in the warm water overlooking the mountains. And just when you think it can’t get any better, we got to experience “water massages”. Where they literally give you a back/shoulder/head massage in the water. It was a dream. We made our way back home and boy was I thankful I brought that pillow. I got a solid 1.5 hours of sleep!

    We arrived back home and had a free afternoon. This was my actual favorite part of the trip! Three years ago, I came up with an idea of a product I really wanted to produce. I didn’t have the design/production/manufacturing/distribution knowledge so decided just to sit on it. Knowing if it was meant to be, I would find my way back to it one day. Due to all the space to dream and not be bogged down by day to day stressors, this idea resurfaced for me. And it just so happened, that my roommate Jen who because like a sister instantly, was just the partner I needed. She has a Masters in business and operates a company doing ALL the things I don’t know how to do! While I have the product knowledge and path to sales. It was truly a match made in heaven. We had our first business meeting where we sketched out the product, found a designer, found a potential manufacturer, wrote out our vision/mission/values, set boundaries and expectations and ran numbers. It was truly divine confirmation that we were roommates. I can’t believe I am coming home with a dream I had 3 years ago becoming a reality. Over the next few days, we were able to draw on other people’s talents (shout out to Rebecca, the bookkeeper of the group) for giving us so much practical knowledge in order to build the strongest foundation possible. More to come in the next few months on this exciting adventure!! The photo of us with our tea is us cheersing our new partnership :)

    We ended the night with a batik painting activity led by Amy from Malaysia! The wax lining kept your paint in the lines and it felt like a more elaborate version of water color painting! Incredibly satisfying and fun to end a full day with.
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  • Day 8

    D8 (Fri)- Final Day & Closing Ceremony

    June 23, 2023 in Indonesia ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Although I woke up sad it was our final day, I felt like time had moved so slowly. Our days were long (normally 5:30am-11:30pm) and full (often feeling like 3 days in one)! Yet, my mind felt more rested than ever. Between the yoga, meditation, visualizations, time in nature, walks, massages, pool time and meaningful friendships built- it felt like I was totally at peace. A really wonderful feeling coming out of an emotionally hard and busy past few years.

    I choose to skip the final morning of yoga and instead get in an extra hour of work time to flesh out some next steps for Harmony Weddings. We then had breakfast and our coach was well enough to resume classes! We discussed how to identify bottlenecks in our business, how to address them and how to make quarterly/monthly/weekly plans that are achievable and impactful. We enjoyed lunch, our final pool time and I squeezed in one last massage and facial. The resort staff was SO good at memorizing our names and would address me by name all day long. I made a goal day 1 to do my best to do the same and it led to some really sweet relationships being built. I was sad to say goodbye and they all had me promise I will be back. Who’s coming with me?!

    I quickly packed and we had a moving final dinner. We journaled on some reflection questions on what we need to thrive, what boundaries do we need to put in place and what have we been avoiding that we need to do. I look forward to continuing to reflect on these questions in the coming weeks and putting them into action. We then ended our week with a closing fire ceremony. We were each given a long palm leaf with a Balinese phrase about dreams coming true. Em led us in one final closing meditation, going back to our initial hopes and fears from day 1. She had us pick a dream (or 2) and repeat it in our minds saying “what if X came true?” Then she had us repeat it again but this time changing the phrasing to “Isn’t it great that X”, manifesting that dream coming true. We then each wrote the dream on the leaf and placed it in the fire.

    In Indonesia, they see fire as the start instead of the end. A purifier, a beautiful, powerful thing. We were then each given a small holder of beautiful flower petals that they use as offerings. We went around the circle 3 times and expressed gratitude for this experience, our lives, one another and ourselves. It was a moving, tearful way to end the week. These women came in with open hearts and we dug deep fast. We shared fears, anxieties and challenges we hadn’t shared widely with others. And it led to really meaningful, lifelong connections being built. I am so grateful to Em and Jessi for their work in making this dream a reality. I’m thankful to all the women (solo pics are with Jen and Kelsey) who shared some deeply moving conversations with me.

    A group of us then loaded up the taxis to head to the airport. I was grateful to share a taxi with my good friend Erin! Despite it being late after a long day, we had all sorts of beautiful conversations. I am so deeply inspired by her courage, resilience and heart. We met up with Brooke an Sarah at the airport! Thankfully, both Brooke and Sara were on my flight so it was nice to have travel buddies. We went from Bali to Doha, said our goodbyes to Sara and Brooke and I carried on to JFK and now home!! Thankfully I was able to sleep at the “right” times and fingers crossed the time change won’t be too brutal.

    Thanks for following along on this week of a lifetime!!
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