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  • Day 6

    Day 6 rain stops biulding

    April 9 in South Africa ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    Woke to a big thunderstorm, so had to change plans.
    Went to Ebenizer nursery school for 2 to 5 year olds.
    We spent the day with them and split into pairs to be with a class.
    I went with Lyn and helped Busy Bees aged 2 1/2 to 3 1/2.
    The theme this week is transport. It costs 1,200 rand a month for each child to attend. Straight away, they are learning English. Some can only speak Zulu, but they soon start picking up English.
    The morning is structured, with story time, maths, and learning about the weeks theme. Every child gets homework 4 nights a week.
    I joined in, and we talked about types of transport on the land, in the air, and on the sea. We sang the wheels on the bus and row row row your boat. The story was The 3 Billy Goats Gruff. All in English.
    One child put her hand up and asked for the toilet. They were all allowed to walk across the yard to the toilet and back again alone.
    Their behaviour was impeccable, and they slowly warmed to us.
    I drew a big bus on card and they pianted it. We let them sit in our minibus and drove it down the drive and back, they loved it. Then lunch, in the main room they all had the same cooked meal. When finished, I stood up, gave their bowls into the kitchen, and went outside to play. They all knew what was expected of them.
    The afternoon is freebie outside, we gave them a football and all played together. I was goaly it was great fun but quite humid and hot.
    No arguments or fuss durring the whole day! I played pat a cake hand clapping with our class of little ones before leaving.
    Another wonderful day.
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