  • Gün 27

    Day 27 - Avignon to Bedoin, 48 miles

    12 Mayıs 2016, Fransa ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    After a couple of days resting the knees it's great to be back on the bike especially as at the start of a leg of the trip I've really been looking forward to. Two weeks deep in French Provence with classic climbs, deep canyons, rolling vineyards and hilltop villages all before the clifftops and beaches of the French Riviera.

    To makes things even better the wind and rain of the last week has now gone and although still a bit cloudy the sun has been trying to poke it's head out.

    The day started with a ride straight north following the River Rhone to the town of Orange which you have to say in your strongest French accent to get anywhere near right with the pronouncition. Small town but home to a huge Roman Theatre dating from the 1st century A.D. After a little recce the best vantage point seemed to be the cliffs behind so a quick ride up there and scramble gave a great photo looking down.

    From Orange it was out to Bedoin a beautiful village at the foot of the famous Mont Ventoux and my bed for the evening. With nothing anywhere near its height Ventoux stands out for miles and gets bigger and bigger the closer you get! With Ventoux meaning windy in French (it averages 56+ mph plus 240 days a year at the top) it's very weather dependent so fingers crossed for tomorrow.

    Either way I've just demolished a large pizza, garlic bread and chocolate mousse whilst writing this so I'm definitely fuelled up.
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