Three hours driving brought us to Matera. It was very hot and in several places there where large fires thankfully not near our road. Bluebelle took it all in her stride and never missed a beat even when climbing long hills in what felt like 35+c
We parked in a multi story car park and walked about 15 minutes into the old part of Matera which is the third oldest city in the world after Jerico and Allepo.
It is beautiful and worth the effort to see as the photos prove.
I didn't want to drive much more so while we had a drink and a sandwich we booked an Agroturismo farm stay 45 minutes drive from Matera towards the coast. It has about ten rooms and after registering at the farm house which is also the restaurant a man told us to follow him as he cycled to the accommodation in another party of the farm.
The farm has lots of animals including geese, donkeys, deer, horses, it is very nice.
We have a situation where we must get to Split in Croatia on the 18th as Mandy needs to fly to the UK for a few days so I'm going to wait near Split until she returns then we resume the journey. So with that in mind I've booked a ferry from Ancona to Split on the evening of three 15th as that was the only available.Read more
these photos bring back lovely memories of the two Milano Taranto rallies I did. Both took in Mater as part of the route down to Taranto. [ALBERT]