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  • Day 8

    I accidentally booked a reservation at the Osaka Pokemon Cafe during the time we were staying in Hiroshima. Luckily, the JR Rail Pass lets me book a shinkansen whenever I want so I was able to head back to Osaka for the day. The Pokemon Cafe was cute and the food was really cool to look at. Pikachu even came out and did a little dance. The Pikachu costume was really well designed and seemed to bounce very cutely whenever Pikachu would jump or move. He even was able to wiggle his ears. めっちゃ可愛かったよ〜

    I got a pikachu meal and a sinestea dessert set. Sinestea is a teacup pokemon and only some have "the seal of authenticity" on the bottom. Before drinking my tea, I made sure it was an authentic Sinstea. Luckily, it was or I would have had to send it back to the chef 😜

    I looked around the mall a bit and bought a few small items but I'm a bit tired of shopping at this point. I don't need more things to put in my luggage! I did find a ghibli themed store though and got a picture with the famous no-face (顔無し)

    I walked around the area for about an hour scared to go into a bar. The bars were either completely empty or they were full of people and I decided I would find a less croweded one. I felt a bit like I was wasting my time in the country I've been preparing to come and have a limited time in 😭 I ended up finding a bar in the basement of the mall and sitting down there hoping that I could make conversation with someone. I sat next to two women but soon realized that they were speaking Chinese. Unfotunately, I don't know a single word in Chinese so I just order some Japanese whiskey. Soon, the two Chinese woman left and an Osakan woman came to sit down. I later found out her name was Shiho!

    The bartender was talking to me in English and I was responding in Japanese. Shiho leaned over and asked "If he can speak in Japanese why are you speaking english?" Then started to ask me a couple questions. She let me know that she lived around the area and if I wanted to hang out or practice speaking to let her know when I'm back in Osaka! She said that she has always wanted foreigner friends but can't speak english well enough to do so. I responded with 「先生になりました!」which means "I've become a teacher!". The bartender also said he has fun trying to speak english and acted as a sort of translator. I didn't really need his translations but I wanted to give him a chance to try 😉 Shiho kepts saying "I've met foreigners before but they can't have a conversation. But he can! Wow!" to the bartending and it was making me very happy and also embarassed. I was super happy to be able to make a friend and also practice my Japanese. I had thought I would be in the basement of a mall drinking by myself but instead had a great time with the bartender and Shiho. I wanted to get a picture but I had to run to the Shikansen to get back to Hiroshima.

    Shiho and the bartender asked for my age and I told them 29. I believe both of them were 47+ (they told me but I don't remember) so they were amazed at my age. Shiho told me "wow you don't seem that age at all, you are a already a very 「しっかり者」which translates to a "person of strong character or a gutsy person". This is a second time I've recieved the compliment from a Japanese person regarding my seeming older than I actually am. I really appreciate the compliment and that people seem to respect how I communicate and hold myself. However, being told "you seem older" in America is generally not seen as a compliment becasue it implies that you visually do not look young usually. Alas, I need to put my own culture aside and accept the compliment for what it means in Japanese culture rather than what it means in American culture 😤

    Shiho and I exchanged Line contacts and she said to let her know any time I end up back in Osaka. We said goodbyes and shook hands (I really wasn't sure how to say goodbye to someone in Japan) and the bartender walked me to the station and directed me where to go. Again, I didn't need the instruction by I thought it was very kind of him to try to help out! I'm currently on my way back to Hiroshima and super happy with my short trip back to Osaka 🥺
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