Camino 2022 , Torres and Geira

September - October 2022
About 640 km, starting in Salamanca, heading over to Portugal, and north from Braga to Santiago. I am combining two different caminos, the Camino de Torres and the Caminho da Geira e dos Arrieiros. Read more
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  • Portugal
  • Spain
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  • 8.3kkilometers traveled
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  • 39footprints
  • 35days
  • 342photos
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  • 8.3kkilometers
  • 6.8kkilometers
  • Day 8

    Pinhel to Trancoso (32 km)

    September 15, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    I walked for about the first four hours towards a black sky. Miraculously though, no rain ever fell. Every now and then there’d be some parting of the clouds and I could see a little stretch of a rainbow peeping through, it was very pretty. A friend in the United States tells me that this rain is the product of Hurricane Dennis, and that next week I will probably suffer the result of hurricane Earl. But it’s hard to complain about the rain when it is so badly needed here.

    Wikiloc tells me there were more than 700 m elevation gain. That’s not trivial. I was ready to stop walking at the end, but I didn’t feel like I was running out of gas. So I’m pretty optimistic about making it all the way!

    Today was another completely off road walk through rural areas with lots of vineyards, apple orchards, pear orchards, some cattle grazing, and some big fields of grain. It was just a perfect camino day, through a few small villages, but mostly out in the countryside.

    There was a lot of ascent for the last 10 kms. You could see the walls of the city from far away and it looked so high up there! Right before I arrived at the gates, there was a little sign pointing to a medieval anthropomorphic tomb, just hidden away. By 2:30, I was checked in to my accommodation. That gave me plenty of time to wash my clothes, shower, and then get out to see the sights. There’s a castle, good for climbing around, a nice praça with an old pillory, and a very interesting Jewish quarter. There’s a very nicely done interpretive center explaining the history of Trancoso‘s large Jewish population, at least until the Inquisition put an end to it. Pre-Inquisition, there were 500 Jews and 700 Christians in this town. Lots of houses in the Jewish quarter have some symbol etched in stone to show that they have converted to Christianity.

    Most of the restaurants here are closed for vacation, opening tomorrow of course. But there are a couple outside the walls that seem to be serving food, so that’s where I’ll go and then head to bed!
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  • Day 9

    Trancoso to Sernacelhe (28 km)

    September 16, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    I thought I would have been less tired today than yesterday. Four fewer kilometers and a couple hundred meters less of elevation gain. But I was tired when I got here. Nice room in the Casa do Castelo guesthouse recommended by my amigos Nick and Wendy.

    What a glorious walk. There were many spots going through the hills where you could make a 360° and not see a town, a house, anything. Add to that hours through pine forests (I dare you to think of a better walking surface than sandy soil covered with pine needles) and even a chestnut grove at the end. Hours of quiet and time to ponder life’s questions, big and small.

    I passed a little shrine with various wooden feet placed around the Virgen Mary. I am assuming that this is a spot with miraculous healing, but I couldn’t find any information. I am hoping that my feet got some sort of boost, even though I had no offering.

    In one small village I met a woman out for a morning walk. At least 20 years younger than me, but walking in a lot of pain. She told me it was her knees. Too many years working in the fields, and now with her husband confined to bed it’s even harder. My Portuguese was inadequate to say much, so I wished her well and then spent a while thinking about how lucky I am in so many ways.

    The last 4 or 5 kms into Sernacelhe are through a chestnut grove. My favorite tree! Most of these were on the young side but there were a few of those huge gnarled seemingly dead trunks with new branches sprouting. I usually walk through chestnuts when they are in fragrant flower but this was a nice change to see them with all the fruits. The chestnuts of this region are outstanding and highly prized I was told. And if you’ve ever been to Portugal you know that chestnuts are a hot commodity!

    Sernacelhe has a 12C Romanesque church. A librarian took me through and also opened up the church’s museum with some old graves dating between 4C BC and medieval. And some incredibly beautiful jeweled vestments from the 17th century.

    Hoping to find a restaurant open for dinner!
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  • Day 10

    Sernacelhe to Beira de Valente (23 km)

    September 17, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    Since it was a short day, I slept in a little and had breakfast after seven. Another very nice walk with beautiful sunny weather and cool breezes. High in the low 70s.

    Shortly after going through the first village, Vila do Ponte, the Caminho takes you up a steep hill. For some reason, when you are about a five minute walk up to the chapel on the top, the arrows take you off that route. No indication that there is a 15th century chapel and a beautiful view from up top. I had gotten a heads up from a friend, so I was planning to go, and it was definitely worth the five minutes of huffing and puffing to get up to the top.

    My surely not very original observation was that in the 15th century they built chapels on high places with privileged views, but today we build cell phone towers.

    After the descent from the chapel comes the asphalt stretch. Fortunately soon after the nucleus of A Rua there were detours off the main road. These were great, usually on a dirt path between stone walls. On either side of the walls were vineyards and fruit orchards. There were lots of people out working in the fields, and I got a lot of ”bom caminho”, which surprised me.

    I have it on very good authority that under EU regulation, anything growing or hanging in the right of way is fair game for public consumption. So I had a sampling of apples, figs, and little incredibly sweet purple grapes.

    The town where I would have stopped is in festas, so absolutely nothing was available. Luckily, about 3 km away, there is a pilgrim albergue. It looks very nice, is in the old school building, and I’m waiting to see if the guy in charge will show up. I told him I would probably arrive around 2 PM, and that’s about what time it is now. So hopefully I won’t have too much of a wait.
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  • Day 10

    The albergue in Beira Valente

    September 17, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Just so you know that I did in fact get into the Albergue, I thought I’d write a quick follow up with a few pictures. I got a phone call from the hospitalero Paulo. It turns out he was in the Algarve but wanted to tell me where to get the key. It was a totally hilarious conversation – my bad Portuguese, a generally bad connection, but one very patient man. I did finally get the keys which were on a hook in a very cleverly hidden place. Can’t tell you where, though. 😀

    The next step was to get inside, and there were two different doors to be opened. More conversations in my broken Portuguese. Finally once inside, the last task was for me to turn on the gas to heat up the water for the shower. Being a dumb American who never turns gas on or off, I had a hard time following his instructions again. But I am happy to report that it all worked.

    Next topic was my dinner. He had told me in a WhatsApp that I could get dinner at the restaurant Paulo Ferreira. I told him that I had walked through town and hadn’t seen a restaurant, so I was wondering how far away it was. Thankfully after about eight or nine tries, I understood that what I was hearing as Tay-K was actually “take away.” I didn’t really understand what he was saying, but I knew it was something about 8 PM..

    And at 8 pm, an association member showed up outside the albergue and drove me to a Restaurant that had take away. I got some pulpo salad and chicken on the rotisserie. No vegetables anywhere in sight.

    I have to confess that I would not have even thought to stay in this Albergue had it not been for the fact that all of the accommodations in the town 3 km earlier were full. This is because it’s their harvest festival weekend.

    This is a beautiful Albergue in the old school house. Such undeserved kindness.
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  • Day 11

    Beira Valente to Lamego (27 kms)

    September 18, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    Since I was expecting this to be about 20 km, I did find myself mentally dragging at the end. But it was a good day. The Camino has been rerouted to take us past the monastery of St. Anthony in Ferreirim. And I think I lost the camino somewhere near the hamlet of Britiande. As did the guy whose tracks I was following. By the time I realized I hadn’t seen an arrow in a while I just decided to forge ahead since I was on a main road going into Lamego. But whatever the reason, 20 km was actually 27. And 630 m is more ascent than I was expecting too. Well, I guess it’s just good warm-up for tomorrow’s stage, which is a little harder than today’s.

    There was more asphalt on this stage than any other, most of it concentrated in the last third. But there were still plenty of stretches through vineyards, apple orchards and pine forests. I saw my first statue of our Lady of Fatima, which is kind of surprising since she is definitely a very popular figure in Portugal. I walked over an unusual medieval fortified bridge, and I had a long rest with shoes off outside the Ferreirim convent. There was a mass going on and I could hear a lot of singing. A lot prettier than the baroque altar, IMHO.

    I got to my residencial, which is right around the corner from the cathedral and was recommended by several friends, at about 2:30. I’ve got my routine pretty much down to a science —shower and wash dirty clothes, put on clean clothes, and then head out to see the sights.

    I didn’t really like the cathedral, but at least it was close by. Next I walked up to the castle, or what’s left of it, for some good views and a visit to the medieval cistern. Then up to the sanctuary of Nossa Senhora dos Remedios, which I am told has 686 steps. Without a backpack it was a breeze! More baroque but this one seemed less drippingly over the top. And the stairs up are pretty, with tiled scenes of the Virgin’s life — the design is just like Bom Jesus outside Braga.

    Sunday night restaurant pickings are usually quite slim. But there seem to be a fair number of tourists so I should find something.
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  • Day 12

    Lamego to Mesao Frio (30 km)

    September 19, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    Today was a 5-star day. Down to the Douro from Lamego, always on untraveled roads or dirt paths (though I bet at least 80% of today was on asphalt). When I got to Peso da Regua, which is a busy commercial town right on the river, I had a few kms along the water till the start of some tough ascents. The views were gorgeous, even though the Douro was out of view till the last few kms. It was a hard steep ascent and I was lucky that a woman in a village was out feeding her birds, so that I could ask her for water. She was very sweet and said she’d pray for me.

    The vineyards are still bright green, and white houses with orange tile roofs are sprinkled throughout. The hills extend in all directions and at all angles. Most are planted with grapes, but there are a few patches of olive trees and even - gasp - a few eucalyptus. The last four or 5 km into Mesao Frio were on a very untraveled road with spectacular views of the river up and down. I have been to the Douro four or five times as a tourist, but I have to say I have never felt as overwhelmed by the beauty of it all as I did while walking in it all day

    The contrasts are so stark. There are huge modern wineries with gleaming stainless steel vats. There is an elevated highway that seems to fly over the hills. There are lots of high voltage transmission lines. Peso da Regua is busy noisy city with a lot of business going on. But almost all day, I was walking through tiny villages where most of the houses are boarded up or in ruins, or on narrow paths between stone walls, or through a few beautifully restored estates offering wine tasting. And in at least six or seven of the vineyards I passed, there were crowds of people picking grapes by hand. I didn’t see any machinery at all, just people stooped over picking or carrying buckets of grapes on their heads.

    Lucky for me, the rain that was forecast never fell. Tomorrow we’ll see. Right now I’m sitting out on my balcony with a view down over the river and all is right with the world.
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  • Day 13

    Mesao Frio to Amarante (29 km)

    September 20, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    It wasn’t so much the good amount of ascent that got me, it was the 900 m of descent that had my left knee feeling it by the time I arrived. The heat (over 90) and the tremendous amount of asphalt didn’t help either. The ascent started as soon as I left Mesao Frio and by about Km 12 I was on top of the monte with its several wind turbines. That meant that the next 17 km were basically all descent, sometimes steep, sometimes gentle, but always going down.

    Today’s walk quickly left the vineyards behind, and the scenery was not as pleasant. Scattered pines and some scrub. But I went through lots of little villages, which gave me a chance to struggle in Portuguese with some friendly residents. My longest conversation was with two women with a wheelbarrow and some sort of farm tool. I asked them if they were going to work in the fields (it was about 9 am) and they told me no way, that they were done working in the field and now they were going home to work at home. Wash clothes, clean the house, get the main meal ready. They shook their heads and said there was always too much to do. And there I was just sauntering across their country. They told me to make sure I was careful with the heat, took lots of rest, and drank lots of water, just like they do in the fields.

    There were some slightly dangerous kilometers alongside a national highway. It wasn’t tremendously busy, because there is a super highway paralleling it, but there was a lot of local traffic. I found myself pulling off to the side and just stopping while the cars or trucks passed.

    So by the time I got here I was kind of struggling. But a shower always does wonders.This is a beautiful little town (actually it’s a pretty big place, but its historic center is compact and charming.) I remember the pastry shop where Joe and I had a coffee looking out over the river. I popped my head in but it didn’t look like they had anything that was less than 90% sugar, so I passed. Only an hour till dinner!

    Riddle of the day. When is a Peregrina delighted to see asphalt? Answer (in the last picture) — when she’s been walking on those Portuguese tiles/cobblestones for an hour.
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  • Day 14

    Amarante to Felgueiras (22 km)

    September 21, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    It was a very short day, so I knew that I wouldn’t have to hurry at all. I like leaving around seven, and even with a lot of stops to chitchat with villagers, I was in my hotel by noon.

    The scenery was not spectacular, the terrain was definitely not my favorite (all pavement except for a few short detours on dirt), but I really enjoyed the walk. because the trail went through so many villages, there were lots of opportunities to chat.

    About 4 km out of Amarante, I met a couple who were working to cut up logs for firewood. They told me it was eucalyptus. I asked if they ever used pine, and they told me that pine is inferior for burning because it burns much more quickly. We didn’t get into any discussion of the other aspects of the eucalyptus vs. pine debate.

    I knew that there was a Romanesque church somewhere near the Caminho. Comparing my Wikiloc track with Google Maps, I saw what I thought was a good spot to get off the Caminho and head up to see the church. The women who lived right at that spot assured me that if I stayed on the caminho I would miss the church, and that the only way to see it was to take the road up. Well it turns out they were wrong, and it also turns out that the bar where the person with the keys usually is was closed, and it also turns out that the exterior of the church did not have much Romanesque to enjoy. But oh well.

    I passed an entrance to a four-star hotel, Monverde, inside the grounds of a winery, Since I had plenty of time, I decided to go in and take a look. I would not say they welcomed me with open arms, but they did let me walk around and also told me to take all of the literature on the Rota do Románico. All of the hotel buildings are new, there is no nice old solar. More than 40 rooms and there were plenty of cars in the parking lot, so I’m guessing it’s nice.

    Much more fun was the talk I had with the woman working in the fields at a vineyard outside Vila da Lixa. She told me that she enjoys working the harvest, picking grapes by hand, but that she was also happy when it was done!

    So here I am in Felgueiras, a very big town, maybe even a city. It’s not especially attractive but people are friendly and it was a good way to break up what would otherwise have been a 38 km day into Guimarães. Those days are behind me now.
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  • Day 14

    A visit to the Mosteiro de Pombeiro

    September 21, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    As I was reading the Romanesque literature I had picked up in the fancy hotel, I read about the monastery of Pombeiro. The caminho goes right by it, but it would be totally closed up early in the morning.

    So I hopped in a cab, had a very interesting visit, and then walked the 5 km back.

    There was no one there except me, the security guard, and a woman cleaning the church. At first the guard seemed kind of uninterested and brusque. But as he took me around he really got into it and showed me all kinds of little details I would otherwise never have seen.

    Unfortunately most of the Romanesque is gone, except for the outside doorway. Baroque is what predominates in the church. But he showed me a 12C carved stone in one of the walls that said— “Here are the relics of (I think) Peter, Paul, Santiago, and Tomás.”No one knows whether there really were relics or what happened to them.

    The cloisters (there had been three) have all been destroyed and the pieces spirited away. The French are not surprisingly blamed. The wing where the monks lived has been turned into a social center of sorts, and there was a little chapel and a library.

    But the best part of the visit was the organ. It was fascinating. I had no idea that in the days before electricity, you needed some strong people to activate the bellows to provide the air. Three of them. Then he showed me all the knobs on either side of the organ itself. Each one performs a special function. But two of the ones on the left are not functional. He explained that they put them there purely for symmetry. While all the other knobs have some explanatory information, the two fake knobs have “I am mute“ in French and “I don’t speak“ in Italian.

    That means that it took at least three people in addition to the organist to play. Two doing the knobs, and at least one on the bellows.

    And then this guy sat down to play. Here’s where the story gets fascinating. Four years ago a tuner came to the monastery and had the guard push the keys one at a time so that he could do the tuning. From there the guard started teaching himself how to play. I’m no judge of organists, but it was pretty beautiful. He told me that one visitor offered to pay his tuition to send him to music school, but he couldn’t afford to give up his job. He can’t read music, he just listens at home and then comes in to work and plays around till he gets it. There was even an article in a Portuguese magazine called Evasões talking about him, Bruno Ramos, the auto-didactico. I will have to hunt for it on line.

    I feel so lucky to have had this wonderful experience. Getting these little glimpses into other peoples’ lives just makes it all more obvious that we’re just one big pot of humanity, each one of us unique, but also connected.

    I never dreamed when I started walking this morning that my day would be like this!
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  • Day 15

    Felgueiras to Guimarães (20? Km)

    September 22, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    When I got to my hotel the room wasn’t ready so I did some touring and forgot to turn off my GPS till I checked in. That means that my tracks also include going up to the castle, the Duques de Bragança palace and the museum.

    When I left town this morning it was very foggy, and the fog didn’t lift until about 1 km outside of my destination. It wasn’t unpleasant, but the walk itself was nothing too special. There was a short stretch of Roman road leading up to a Roman bridge, which was nice. And for whatever reason there were very few people out and about this morning so I couldn’t chat them up and practice my Portuguese! There were a couple of towns that seemed totally hemmed in by elevated Autovías on both sides of them. Living so close to huge highways would not be very pleasant. Walking into town I went by a strange looking set of tanks with some kind of a mechanized wheel next to them. The people who were there trying to figure out what it was concluded that it must’ve been some thing used to soften up animal skins. At least that’s what I think they were saying.

    This is the first town I’ve been in that feels overrun by tourists. Not even Salamanca felt so mobbed. There were at least seven huge groups in the main squares when I was walking around there at noon time.Two or three were from the US, one was French, one was German, and the other was some Slavic language. I was really surprised. The guy in the hotel says that things will clear out in the late afternoon so I’m planning to go back in a little while.

    The Guimarães castle is a postcard perfect castle. 10th century no less. I wonder if it has been used as a movie set very often. I believe that this town is regarded as the cradle of the Portuguese language, and it was the country’s first capital city in the 12th century. The central area is really charming. All in all, it’s a very nice place to spend an afternoon. And now that I’m showered and have on clean clothes and no backpack, I’m good to go!
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