  • Día 1


    7 de noviembre de 2016, Nueva Zelanda ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    With my tendency to be cold I was on frequent weather watch the past few days. On arrival in QT, I was delighted with the sunshine & blue skies. I think I have enough warm gear but as a sceptic eskimo, I mentally prepared for the worst.

    We had our hike briefing and then wondered around town. We soaked up the atmosphere with some flat whites (this is amazing milky coffee with espresso- kind off like a latte but different) . We sat on the wall next to the lake and were just mesmerized with the grandeur of the surroundings.

    It didn't take much to decide to go on a running adventure around the lakes. Well a brilliant decision - the scenery made us lose track of time.Roedolf moaned about my speed sometimes but its easy to get carried away. There were plenty of photo stops and wow moments. I continued a bit further along the lake then joined up with Roedolf again and we disappeared into the gorgeous sunset.

    I am ridiculously excited about my bucket list hike that starts tomorrow.

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