  • День 1

    In Manila with no luggage

    24 февраля 2017 г., Филиппины ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    We just arrived in the Philippines after two flights from Phuket earlier this morning. We had a layover in Singapore, which felt more like a lay-run as we literally had to run from one plane to the next. Obviously our bags did not run 😜 so they did not make the connection.

    The flight was delayed due to very bad weather coming in for the landing. It was probably the scariest landing I have ever experienced. We we're bobbling up and down as the ground came closer and bounced on the wet runway a couple of times before the plane was firmly running on the runway. It felt like the pilots did not hit breaks as hard as usual due to the slippery runway, I kept thinking we are going to run out of runway soon.

    Luckily the plane stopped before the runway ended. We were in the last row of seats and we knew if we were polite and just waited our turn to get off we will miss our next flight. In true Asia style we jumped up as soon as the plane stopped and rushed forward bypassing at least 15 rows of people.

    As soon as we stepped into the airport there was ground officials directing us and others to connecting flights. I thought to myself wow this is good service by Singapore airlines.

    We started walking/running in the direction of gate E5 and all the signs indicated that it was about 19 minute walk from where we started. We only had 15 minutes before our boarding gate closed, obviously I am thinking as we run if this gate is 19 minute walk its about a km, surely an airport this size must have an air train or some quicker way to get there. Isabel on the other hand just wanted to put head down and run.

    Long story short we arrived at the gate seconds before the gate closed, a bit frustrated with each other.

    As we settle in the plane for our next flight we did not even give our luggage a second thought as the put stickers on the bags "Hot bags" which means it has a tight connection to ensure they make the connection.

    Just before takeoff one of the air hostesses came to us and asked if we would like to move to a different row where it will be only the two of us and way more comfortable, this was great, no other airline has ever done that, we always have to ask first. Then came the complementary food and drinks, it felt like business class, we got menus and it had good Australian Shiraz on the menu, so we both chose red wine. Isabel even asked if she can taste the white first and they gave her a taste. The food was amazing it almost felt like a restaurant and then the desert arrived, my favorite magnum ice cream. After they cleared our food trays I tried my luck to ask for more ice cream and wine and I couldn't believe my luck when they said yes sure and gave us each one more ice cream and another glass of wine.

    After passport control in Manila as we went down the escalator to the baggage collection hall, there was someone at the bottom of the escalator with Isabel's name on a little clip board. All the way down we contemplate what this could be as we didn't order a taxi or anything.

    It was in the airline to let us know our bags did not make the connection. Normally airlines just let you wait till all the bags are gone and then you have to go ask them to trace you bags. Singapore airlines are so proactive, they let us fill in a few forms with address they can bring the bags to, hand us each an overnight toiletry bag and 4,400 pesos to buy ourselves some clean clothes and off we went. We were done before most people even had they bags.

    Despite the great service, I was extremely irritated as I know we will get clothes for Isabel no problem, but I think I will have to buy two shirts and stitch them together to make them fit me in this country where they love basketball but the average player is less than 6 feet tall. Naturally Isabel did not share my frustration as she couldn't wait to go shopping for new clothes.

    Anyway luckily our bags arrived at 1am the next morning, not ideal to be woken up in the middle of the night but good to know I will have something to wear the next day.

    I would fly with Singapore Airlines in a heartbeat, best airline experience I have ever had.

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