  • День 60

    Sacred Valley Inca Trail

    31 декабря 2019 г., Перу ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    Our new years eve trip to the sacred valley was a very interesting one and thanks to our tour guide Carlos we learnt alot about the Inca history throughout the 3 main towns that have inka ruines in the Urubamba valley. First we visited Pisac Incan Town located on the mountain top, with a view of 3 valleys, stone alters to the sun, farming platforms that they used for growing produce and also from above you can see the traditional markets where locals still sell goods. We then stopped at the markets to watch the craftsmanship of a jewellers shop, where they used natural elements of stones & shells to make beautiful, traditional peruvian jewellery. We then went for an amazing buffet lunch, which we both made pigs of ourselves... As yes dessert was included 🍰😋😁🤗 winner! After lunch we visted probably the most famous archaeological town of them all; Ollantaytambo, where you can climb the Temple of the sun located on the top of a mountain and also see many water drainage systems in places within the ruines and town that they still use today! The last place we visited was Chincheros which was about an hours drive up the Andean mountains (so beautiful to see everything below) and located at over 4,000 feet above sea level! We viewed more Inca sites here, but only by bus as the locals here own the land so it private. All the other sites are owned by the government so free to walk. The last part of the trip we visited a family run weaving shop, where the traditional indigenous woman showed us how they make and colour all their textiles, handcrafted with alpaca wool,while we drank caco leaf tea to help with the climate.. They also loved singing to us, on arrival and on departure..... And obviously goes without saying they were hard selling us their products after the show and tell which is only fair 😊😅Читать далее