  • Hari 205

    What a Wonder of the World

    21 Maret 2019, India ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Today we visited an amazing building with extremely intricate architecture but also a very important piece of history. We woke at 5:15 in the morning so we wouldn’t miss the sunrise on the white beauty of India. We left our Hotel at 5:30 but by the time we got to the line to enter the gate it was almost a kilometre long! Luckily for me and Geoff, men were aloud to go in a shorter line than women for who knows what. We went through security but unfortunately Geoff’s package of Mentos didn’t make it out. The guards at the gate also almost confiscated our cards because you aren’t allowed to gamble in public in India. Luckily Lara thought fast and threw them into a bush and they were safe. Once everything was cleared up we started walking towards the architectural masterpiece and realized that when you walk through the main archway a perfectly symmetrical garden awaits your arrival. Unfortunately there were a lot of flies but we managed to walk from the archway to the ticket booth for the main mausoleum without getting too bothered. Once we were on the platform around the white marble wonder which was also made of white marble we started walking around the entire building. The interior and exterior walls were covered in flowers that appear painted but in reality they are precious and semiprecious stones implanted into the marble. Over the years some have been stolen but it still looks amazing! Next we entered the main tourist attraction in all of India. The interior was as extraordinary as the exterior, unfortunately you weren’t allowed to take pictures inside the building so we can’t show it too you but it was 😎 awesome. The tombs were probably he most interesting part of the entire thing because it was the only part of the entire complex that wasn’t symmetrical! Originally it was supposed to be symmetrical but when the king died, his tomb was placed next to the queen’s tomb making it almost symmetrical but not quite! Inside everyone had shoe covers but we never got any so when went inside the mausoleum, we were forced to carry our shoes!😡 Next we went to see the guest house which wasn’t very exciting but their were two huge beehives in the roof which explained the dead bees all over the place. When we left we recovered the cards and went home for breakfast at 8:00. On the way back we saw a monkey lying on the roof of a house! I will never forget my visit to the Taj Mahal!
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