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  • Day 36

    Chitwan - The Jungle

    December 7, 2018 in Nepal ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    Day 38 - 41

    A short journey from Tara's Place (3 shorter than usual buses) and we arrived at Hotel Rhino Land at £2.50 per night - whether the hotel would live up to the name was yet to be seen at this point.

    Welcomed by our v friendly host but missed the welcome activities due to our desire for fried rice and a veggie burger, need to get better at this time management thing.

    Later that night we had our first encounter, a sleeping Rhino around the back field of the hotel. Amazing start - this threw us slightly (mainly Ellie) into doubting participating in the jungle trek, this and our money conscious side had begun to come out, I mean we just saw a Rhino (albeit semi wild) chilling around the back of the Hotel!

    To our surprise and after much sunset Rhino hunting we were also able to see an amazing wild Rhino (horn and all) coming to bathe on our final night at the parks edge (we even enjoyed a beer for the moment). Plenty of wild crocodiles throughout our time here too without venturing into the official park whatsoever!

    Chitwan itself was relaxed & had some great food, we found our favourite Dal Bhat here and proceeded to visit 3 nights in a row! Also discovered chips chilly - my god this late discovery will remain one of our few Nepal regrets!

    P.s Ellie would argue that the 3 hours spent hunting for a size 40 grey rhino T shirt rather than actual Rhinos was actually time well spent..
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